Contact Support for Learning help

上次更新: 1 年前

The LinkedIn Learning Help Center contains resources, troubleshooting tips, and useful information to help you better use our products. If you didn’t find what you’re looking for, reach our Support team by clicking Contact us in the footer of the Help Center.

Here's a tip

You must be signed in to your LinkedIn account in order to contact our Support team.

To contact support:
  1. Click Contact Us at the bottom of the page.
  2. Type a brief description of your issue or question and review the suggested Help Center articles.
  3. If you don’t find an answer to your question, click Next and answer all questions with an * next to them at the bottom of the page. Filling out these required fields will help us assist you better.
  4. You can add a screenshot or supporting documentation that we can reference for troubleshooting by clicking Add an attachment.
You can also select your preferred method of contacting support by scrolling to the Need assistance? section at the bottom of the help center homepage.

Contacting Learning Support without a LinkedIn profile

You can reach out to Learning support teams even if your Learning account isn’t connected to your LinkedIn profile.
To contact support without connecting your Learning account to your LinkedIn profile:
  1. Navigate to the LinkedIn Learning help center.
  2. Search for answers to your questions by typing relevant keywords in the search box or browsing through the help topics.
  3. To view all your support options, navigate to the bottom of the help page. From the Need assistance? section at the bottom of the page, you can select your preferred method of contacting support.