Lock him up and throw away the key: "Jail for man who threatened to crash plane before it departed Changi Airport". 8 weeks for this? This is no joke, he threatened to crash a plane multiple times. Now maybe he should be in IMH and not in prison but he certainly should never be allowed to be anywhere near an airport or plane ever again. "An Australian man who stopped over in Singapore before flying to Phuket had his holiday cut short when the Thai authorities barred him from entering their country as his passport had a page of visas torn out. Marli Curtis Philip Moncrieff, 36, returned to Singapore shortly before 1.30am on Nov 20, 2024, but was also denied entry into the country for the same reason. About four hours later, he was escorted to an aerobridge at Changi Airport to board a Jetstar flight back to Perth. Upset at the turn of events, he said: “I want the aircraft to crash and kill everyone.” Moncrieff was removed from the flight. He later told his girlfriend who was with him: “If they put me on another flight, I will tell them I will crash the plane again.” He was arrested soon after. On Jan 15, Moncrieff was sentenced to eight weeks’ jail after he pleaded guilty to a harassment charge. Before handing down the sentence, Principal District Judge Toh Han Li stressed that the case involved threats pertaining to aviation security, and added: “Words can have serious consequences.” The judge also noted that Moncrieff had made the threats on more than one occasion." A serial offender at this means at some point he's going to try and do it so better for everyone else if he's never allowed to travel on a plane again! What do you think? Subscribe to my weekly LinkedIn newsletter: “The Best Singapore News” that is a weekly compilation of all my most engaging posts that I have published on LinkedIn that week here: https://lnkd.in/gvu3yW_x Link to the story here: https://lnkd.in/gF98EWxE
He thought that he can get away with it.. attitude of entitlement? He should be banned by any airline bc he sowed fear and anxiety to would-be airline passengers... the fact that pages were torn in his passport does not present a good character....bc why was it torn? Pages of visas? Derogatory notes stamped on it?
Question is how serious was he or was it just words. I’ll advised ones at that. Sounds excessive unless there was a reason to believe he was serious then it’s not tough enough. The more concerning piece would be why did he have torn out visas. What was he hiding?
Chris J Reed just based on a reading of your post, I actually I think it was extremely harsh. I would have taken a "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me approach". 8 weeks is a long time. Pity the fella, considering his Phuket holiday turned into an extended stay at Chateau Changi...
Poor Chicago bulls … associated with him
Got to be a bozo with torn pages in a passport and thinking he can get in. It makes me wonder how good were the AU immigration authorities for letting him leave the country with torn pages in a passport. I agree the sentence is too short, hopefully he gets some caning too whilst here and thinking he can get away with it in Singapore.
Its stated that he is on medication for depression... now what happen to all the "noises " about this disease post covid.? Though the severity of the crime cannot be discounted in the public interest. Nevertheless, locking up may not be an ideal solution to getting treated. Red flag for any future air travel may help.
Those are serious threats and uttered more than once-what did he think -? everyone would treat it as a joke- ?? He should be banned from an airport- leave alone a plane..The heights of stupidity of some people- he is no spring chicken at 36 years- let him reflect on his stupidity!!
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1 个月Product of the incoming 'touchy-feely'/'free' expression of my feelings, without any thoughts, or regard, for its subsequent impact & influence, disruptions & damages, costs & consequences' generations. Let's be clear: You can feel, & be frustrated, however you want, & others may reciprocally, & reasonably, extend acknowledgement, & expression of empathetic understanding to the 'unfortunate' circumstances, situations & settings; That being said, The moment it is extended & expressed, to the reasonably articulatable & foreseeable detriment of someone/everyone/anyone else, whether directly, indirectly or incidentally; Then, It is no longer about having empathy, But about imposing & inflicting unsolicited, unwarranted, uncalled-for 'Control' untoward others, With the default given expectations for its social affirmations & external validations, bailouts & handouts, accommodations & appeasements, & that someone/everyone/anyone else is to actively participate, celebrate & reward it. Remember these two adages: - The world & its realities is under no obligation to ever owe anyone compassion, empathy, fairness, respect & understanding. - Everyone gets treated the way they (Not, nor ever, you!) are/get/want/prefer to be treated.