Reproductive BioMedicine Online的动态

As we approach the start of a new year, we look back at the RBMO papers published in 2024 that attracted the most attention as ranked by their Altmetric scores. Enjoy this top 10 list of articles, with key messages from the authors and comments from our editors, featuring (in alphabetical order to avoid spoilers), first authors: Dr Kamal Ahuja Sarah Foley Jemma Garratt Giles Palmer José ángel Martínez-López Sabrina Minetto Nicole S?nger Melissa van der Windt Paola Vercellini Manuela Viviano Congratulations to all the authors on each of these papers, and thank you to everyone who has chosen to submit papers to RBMOnline this year. Get your free Altmetric browser plug-in lets you instantly see the Altmetric data for any publication with a DOI, and find our how to get Altmetric badge pages to showcase your work on their info for researchers page: ? #Altmetric #YearEndLists #AlternativeMetrics

This pdf is also a BlueSky thread of individual cards and texts, for anyone interested - and it’s in reverse order to build up the tension for 1st place too!
