Imagine a platform for cross-border cooperation in the quality assurance (and recognition) of TNE
My new blog, drawing on a paper I am currently working on
'...many countries still do not have a framework or mechanisms in place to provide reassurance about outbound or inbound TNE. ... the international quality assurance landscape for TNE is characterised by quality assurance gaps, and overlaps. This results in trust deficits towards TNE qualifications, and regulatory uncertainty or duplication/burden for TNE providers.
Given this scenario, envision an international independent body spearheading the development of international standards for TNE via broad international stakeholder consultation. Subsequently, envision this body assuming responsibility, either independently or at the behest of stakeholders, for implementing these standards by conducting external and independent quality assurance evaluations of TNE activities. Picture this organization consistently striving to collaborate with the quality assurance and regulatory bodies of countries involved in sending and receiving TNE.
...Whether this leap of imagination is too far-fetched, given the differing national views of TNE, its quality, and benefits, or if it could potentially drive creative solutions to the growth of TNE worldwide, including as a way to support the implementation of the UNESCO Global Recognition Convention, is something for the international education, quality assurance, and recognition community to determine.'
The key in translating this imaginary scenario into a concrete reality will be the involvement of the right organisations and stakeholders.
#TNE, #qualityassurance #qualificationrecognition
Science Fellow at Bayer Crop Science
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