Oliver S. Bauer的动态

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Marketing at Allianz Global Investors

Dear #FridayNightListeners, Today's song and artist is for sure unfamiliar to the younger generation and probably hasn’t reached my international audience either. I’m referring to Fredl #Fesl, a musician and singer from Lower Bavaria who is credited with pioneering Bavarian musical cabaret. Sadly, he passed away earlier this week, just before his 77th birthday on July 7. Now, I’m not Bavarian, nor do I speak the Bavarian dialect, and this style of music isn’t my cup of tea. Perhaps it is thanks to supernatural forces that this artist left a lasting impression on me as a child due to his special birthday. But actually I think it is due to his distinctive hairstyle and amusing name, which sounds like it belongs to a character in a surprise egg. In the 1970s, Fesl graced cabaret stages across the country, entertaining audiences with his dry humor, quirky rhymes, and unique Bavarian yodeling. Speaking of Bavarian, let’s clarify: the dialect (in German language) is spelled with an “i,” while the federal state of #Bavaria is spelled with a “y” (#Bayern). The word “bay(e)risch” is recognized in the Duden dictionary when referring to Bavaria and matters related to Bavarians or originating from Bavaria, so geographically and politically. But when discussing the #dialect, “Bairisch” (with an “i”) is correct. As is often the case with languages, linguistic and political boundaries don’t always align. Bavarian is spoken not uniformly across the entire region, but in Upper Bavaria, Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate. Important: Franconian is spoken in Franconia, Swabian in Bavarian Swabia! Outside of Bavaria, it is spoken in large parts of Austria, and also in other neighbouring areas. Otherwise, of course, everywhere in the world where there are exiled Bavarians - you can also hear it here in our Frankfurt office. By the way: the Bavarian dialect group is classified as an independent individual language by the International Organisation for Standardisation (the #language code according to the ISO 639-3 standard is bar) and has been listed by #UNESCO in the Atlas of Endangered Languages since 2009. Now, let’s switch gears my Fesl’s famous song, where he poked fun at money in football. Only three years earlier, it 1973, it all began when #J?germeister boss Günter Mast revolutionized football by featuring the Hubertus stag on Eintracht Braunschweig’s jersey. Little did he know that this move would kick off today’s billion-dollar sports #sponsorship industry. And those iconic closing lines from Fesl’s song, which rhyme in German: "Mit #Geld da kann man alles kaufen, Auch Leute die dem Ball nachlaufen"; literally translated: “You can buy anything with #money - even people chasing after the ball.” While there is no match today, the European Championship is currently underway in Germany. That’s why I’ve chosen this song for you. Enjoy a dialect-rich weekend! (cw26-2024_244) More #music on the archive: https://bit.ly/3VudwMj.

Fredl Fesl - Fussball-Lied 1976


Peter Panse

Fondsindustrie vernetzen | Zugang zu neuen M?rkten | Mehrwerte für unsere Kunden | Nachhaltig denken und handeln ??????

8 个月

Ich h?re gerne Dialekt, da ich selber keinen habe. Allein meine vier Jahre bei der Bundeswehr haben mich von Nord (Rotenburg/Wümme und Wendland) nach Süd (Feldafing/Starnberg), Südwest (Daun/Eifel), West (Hürth) und über die Fernmeldeaufkl?rung auch (mit dem Ohr) nach Ost gebracht. Viele verbinden mit ihrem Dialekt ein Heimatgefühl, das habe ich mit meinem Hochdeutsch (Hannover) irgendwie nicht habe. Jetzt bin ich in der Mitte (in Hessen) angekommen und zu Hause, feiere die Eintracht und erwische mich manchmal dabei. auch ein paar hessische Silben zu sprechen. Gude! ???? Fredl Fesl kenne ich natürlich aus den 70ern noch sehr gut ?? Mein Dialektlieblingslied ist von einem ?sterreicher - Wolfgang Ambros: Schifoan Passt zwar nicht zur Jahreszeit, aber die ?sterreichische Fu?ballnationalmannschaft hat ja gerade einen beeindruckenden Auftritt bei uns im Land ?? Sch?nes Wochenende allen!

Enrico Eberlein ??

Mitglied der Gesch?ftsleitung #gernperDu ?? Nachhaltigkeit und Bank passt zusammen ?! ??

8 个月

"Mit #Geld da kann man alles kaufen, auch Leute die dem Ball nachlaufen.“ Ist doch irgendwie spannend, dass diese Zeile aus einem so alten Lied aus Bayern stammt oder!? ?? Für mich nicht gerade hitverd?chtig. ?? Aber wenn wir damit die EM gewinnen, dann eventuell doch wieder lieber Oliver S. Bauer.

Stefan Hofrichter, CFA

Head of Global Economics & Strategy at Allianz Global Investors | Business School Lecturer | ESMA Economic Advisor

8 个月

Thanks, Oliver, for highlighting Fredl Fesl'importance for Bavarian culture. Actually, he was a great inspiration for many Bavarian musicians, eg Die Bierm?slblasn, and many more to combine cabaret/ satire with singing in Bavarian ( language, not dialect). Thanks also for consulting me on questions related to Bavarian. I am more than happy to give you some practical training! It's never too late to learn a new language!

Dorothea Sokolowski

RfP Manager bei Allianz Global Investors

8 个月

Oliver ein wundersch?ner Beitrag - auch wenn mein Lieblingslied von Fredl Fesl nicht dieses, sondern das "Taxilied" von ihm ist ?? https://youtu.be/KJj8cifAVrU?si=efiVIiCcjIm53Ngg Da kommt auch seine Virtuosit?t auf der Gitarre super rüber.

Daniel Grosse

Redakteur/Jurist/Autor/Mehr konstruktiver Journalismus!/GernePerDu/KI-Content mag ich hier nicht/Sprich mit mir über 80er-Musik

8 个月

Herzerfrischend einfach! Danke!

Arnd Seybold

Do not be afraid of change, but of standing still

8 个月

Danke Oli, ?ein Schatzk?stlein bayerischen Kulturgutes“!

Sabine Bettzüche, CEFA

Consultant for Social and Environmental Projects, former director and senior manager sales & client service Latin America & Caribbean at Allianz Global Investors

8 个月


Franz Xaver Jahrstorfer Bavaria rocks!??

