Surviving the Unexpected: Four Words of Timeless Wisdom from King Solomon << Warning: Medium Peril Ahead >> I'm sat in the back of an ambulance as it speeds through the suburbs of Leeds. "Faster. Please go faster." I silently, frantically urge it on with every fiber of my being. My arms cradle Lyra, barely three hours old. Her impossibly tiny chest rises and falls against mine as she gazes into the distance. Should I be worried she's not crying? Jade's on a stretcher, facing away from us, attached to a drip and barely conscious. I'm glad I can't see her; it would scare me even more. A paramedic is talking. To me I think. Phone number? Jade’s birthday? My mind is a blank slate. "It's ok," he says kindly. "We'll do it later." I nod mutely. I guess this is what shock feels like. Months of preparation had gone into our home water birth. Checklists, spreadsheets, and backups galore. The birth itself goes smoothly. I'm so proud of my amazing wife. Lyra's first cries fill the room. I'm a father! This little being contains my genes... It's rather surreal. Then Jade passes out, falling onto me as I change the sheets. It's rather terrifying. I call 999, heart racing, palms sweating, mind spinning. The ambulance arrives while I'm still on the phone. I'm flooded with gratitude for the National Health Service and that we live only minutes from St James' Hospital. A brief respite of positive emotion. At the hospital, Jade's taken into surgery. I sit alone for hours with Lyra and my thoughts. I wondering if I'll be raising her by myself. I have no idea what's just happened, nor what's to come. Life can throw a curve ball at any time, swatting aside your best laid plans like a candle in the wind. A brutal reminder of how puny you are vs Events - how little you really know about so many important things. All you can do is roll with it. A Persian sultan once asked of King Solomon a sentence that would always be true in good times or bad. The sage replied, "This too shall pass." I cling to it like a drowning man in a storm. Then just as my composure starts to break down again, a nurse opens the door. Jade is out of the operating room and ready to see us. And before you know it, you're playing the piano together. You're celebrating your first Father's Day as a father. Your survival rate for everything to date is 100%. ???????? ?????? ?????????? ????????. PS. Jade had a retained placenta which affects 1-3% of all births. This had nothing to do with the freebirth or waterpool elements. I didn't want to put anyone off considering those options. #BringYourChildToWorkThursday
Quy Langridge-Tien ?的动态
"Let it go." It sounds simple, doesn’t it? These three words echo everywhere—on lips that haven’t lived through what you’ve lived, in conversations that barely scratch the surface of your pain. Yet, when you stand in the quiet stillness of your own soul, you know the truth: you can’t just let it go. You can’t. Because letting go isn't just about moving on, it’s about unlearning, about releasing the pieces of yourself you thought were permanent. It’s not easy. It’s never easy. It’s the hardest thing we’re ever asked to do. To let go of a person, a moment, a dream—whatever it is—it’s not like closing a door. It’s more like tearing down the walls of a house you built with your own hands, brick by brick, and hoping you can still stand after it’s all gone. You don’t just say the words and poof—it’s done. Letting go asks for more. It asks for every ounce of strength you have, even the strength you didn’t know you were capable of. It pulls from the deepest corners of your being, shaking the foundations of everything you’ve held onto. Every breath becomes a negotiation with yourself—"Do I really have to let this go?" And every time, the answer feels like a dagger. Even after you’ve done it—after you’ve convinced yourself it’s gone, it’s done—there are the flashbacks. The memories. They stay. They visit you at night, in quiet moments, when you think you’ve moved past them. And the pain… it’s not a clean cut. It’s a lingering ache that feels like a part of you, a reminder of everything you lost, of everything that could have been. It’s raw. It’s unfair. It’s a type of suffering no one deserves, yet we all know too well. But maybe that’s what it means to be human. To feel this deeply, to hold on so tightly, and still, to be asked—time and again—to let go. To let go of people we once loved with our whole hearts. To let go of places that felt like home, dreams that felt like destiny. To let go of the version of ourselves that we thought we’d always be. Every time, it shatters something inside of us. Every time, it asks us to leave behind pieces of ourselves that feel irreplaceable. But isn’t that what life is? A series of goodbyes, a collection of moments where we are forced to let go of the things we once held so dear? We let go of people who once meant the world to us. We let go of dreams we once chased so fiercely. We let go of the parts of ourselves we outgrow, even though we never feel ready. Letting go, though, is not the same as forgetting. It doesn’t mean the pain disappears or that the memories fade into nothingness. It just means we carry them differently. We learn to live with the void, to move forward with the weight of what we’ve lost. And yes, it’s devastating. It’s heart-wrenching. But in letting go, there is also growth. There is a quiet, unspoken courage in acknowledging that some things aren’t meant to stay. There is a beauty in knowing that even in the loss, there’s a new space—empty, yes, but full of possibility.
When you walk out the fire, don’t forget to go back and get those who are still burning. I saw this post somewhere and can never un hear it. Pretty much sums up one of my missions and why I’m so passionate about what I do. There’s something so transformative and life changing when God takes you on a path that causes you to really see where the faith you say you have lies. It’s easy to trust him when it doesn’t require too much effort. But how does faith look when you find yourself not just fighting for your life but those close to you? In my journey through unbearable pain, heartbreak and healing I discovered just how unshakeable my faith is. This isn’t just a book in my eyes. It’s my heart filled with hope, compassion, love, boldness, faith, resilience and forgiveness. This book is personal. I lost my two younger brothers 19 and 22, fought to save the life of another brother, lost my grandmother due to medical malpractice and had my whole life turned upside down with one action, all in a short timeframe. The ONLY way I mustered up the strength to fight is because of my faith in God. There were days I couldn’t pray. The only strength I had was to say Jesus and pray I was heard. This is part of why I so passionately show up on an app of leaders. I understand that life doesn’t schedule circumstances around our success, meetings, goals or aspirations. At the time I was running a successful business. This literally knocked me off my feet but it was my beautiful 3 children who pushed me to fight my way out of depression. All the days I couldn’t get out of bed. They gave me reason to fight. What readers are saying: “Honest, raw, real, gripping and right on time!! ‘Mustering the Strength…’ is not only an amazing testimony of faith & love in the midst and aftermath of a beyond comprehensible ‘moment’ in Tasha’s personal story and family’s grief, but this book is also a BEAUTIFUL roadmap for EVERY READER on how to heal & work through seemingly impossible odds!” “Mustering the Strength to Fight is a story of tragedy, triumph, and healing. As I read each page, I was drawn into Tasha’s world. I wept with compassion at the profound losses she experienced, and rejoiced with her as she overcame. This book will be a blessing to anyone on a difficult faith journey. It inspires hope from a place of discouragement. I also understand that healed leaders show up better and I’ll keep showing up with a message of seeing wealth beyond money. Inner healing and healthy resilience was part and continues to be part of my walk. My mission is to see that it becomes part of yours as marketplace leaders. ????
???????????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????????? ???? ?????????????????????? Four young men, known to me, passed away recently within a span of just two months. One was in his twenties, one just over 50, and two were in their forties. The last person, who passed away yesterday, was like a younger brother to me—a close relative and a cheerful soul whose smile was contagious. His sudden departure has left his family, as well as all of us, utterly devastated. We've faced the loss of young ones in the family before—during the harrowing COVID times and even before that. These moments of grief are not new. They are part of life’s journey. Yet, it never becomes easier to comprehend why such terrible things happen. In times like these, we inevitably find ourselves questioning God: ?????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ??????????, ?????????? ???????? ?????????????????? ???? ????????, ???? ???? ?????????? ????????, ?????????? ???????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ????????? I don’t claim to have the answer to this heart-wrenching question, but I hold on to the belief that God is the Creator—not only of us but of the entire universe. Along with creating humanity and all of creation, He also created science to govern and sustain it all. He bestowed humans with knowledge and wisdom to understand and apply science for our benefit. Does that mean He leaves everything to science? Not at all. God remains in absolute control over all things, including the science He created. Yet, some things remain unanswered—shrouded in mystery. That’s where a verse in the Bible (Deuteronomy 29:29), resonates deeply: "?????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ??????, ?????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ???????????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????????????? ??????????????, ???? ???????? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ???? ???????? ??????." So, what can we do in the face of such uncertainty? The bottom line is this: let us focus on doing the right thing at the right time, living a life that aligns with what God desires for us. Take care of your mental and physical health. Be mindful of what you eat and avoid what harms you. Pay attention to how much you sleep and wake up at the right time. Limit screen time, which has become a silent adversary for many in today’s world. And for those things that are beyond our understanding or capabilities, let us surrender them into the hands of our Creator, trusting Him to take care of what we cannot. #Death #Uncertainty #God #Belief #TheCreator #Writercp
The Truth About Feelings and Suffering We All Feel , Every one of us has feelings. Whether it's joy, sadness, anger, or love, emotions are like waves in the ocean. Sometimes they're calm, and other times they crash into us like a storm. These feelings are what make us human. They connect us, remind us we’re not alone, and show us the beauty and pain of life. When you think about it, our feelings are signals, guiding us through experiences. We All Suffer Suffering , It's like the shadow that follows us everywhere. No one is exempt. You’ve probably faced hard times, whether it’s loss, heartbreak, or illness. These experiences can feel overwhelming, like being trapped in a deep hole with no light. It’s easy to believe that others have it easier, but the truth is, everyone carries their own burdens. Sharing our struggles can lighten the load, much like passing a heavy backpack to a friend on a hike. Understanding that we all feel and suffer creates a bond. We are not just individuals walking through life; we’re part of a larger tapestry of experiences. Each thread of joy, sorrow, and triumph weaves together to create something beautiful. Being open about our feelings and suffering isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a mark of bravery Healing is a journey, not a destination. It’s filled with ups and downs, much like a roller coaster. Some days you might feel like you’re on top of the world, and other days, everything feels heavy. It’s important to allow yourself to feel those emotions. Instead of bottling them up like a shaken soda can, let them out. Cry, laugh, talk, or write. Each expression helps to release some of the pressure and brings clarity. Lastly, remember the power of compassion. When we recognize our shared humanity, we become more compassionate toward others. A simple smile or kind word can brighten someone’s day. It’s like planting seeds of hope. You never know how far a small gesture can go. In a world filled with highs and lows, one thing is clear: We all are human, we all feel, and we all suffer , we all hope . Embracing this truth helps us connect, heal, and grow. Instead of shying away from our feelings, let’s acknowledge them. They are part of our story. Let’s continue to support one another and celebrate the beauty of our shared experiences. After all, it’s our emotions that make life rich and meaningful. ~T
To each of us who grieves, words may feel small in the presence of such profound loss. And yet, in these moments, words are what we have to carry each other through the darkness. Your sorrow is not yours alone; it is woven with the threads of countless hearts worldwide, all beating in unison, understanding, and holding space. Grief reminds us that love does not end. It travels with us, bridging the space between the living and those who have passed. Though we each carry unique memories and pain, we are bonded by this universal experience—one that softens, deepens, and ultimately strengthens us as human beings. Let us lean on each other, in word and silence. Honour each other’s loss, knowing that the act of mourning binds us in unseen, powerful ways. As people of the world, remember that healing is a collective journey we navigate together. In each other’s presence, even from afar, may we find the courage to keep our loved ones close in spirit, letting their lives guide us to find peace, resilience, and connection anew. In times of grief, this reminder that we’re all interwoven in both suffering and love can be deeply comforting. Connecting in this way allows us to see ourselves not as solitary mourners but as part of a global family, collectively bearing the weight and beauty of life’s fragility. The current landscape reflects complex global crises, ranging from political upheaval, climate disasters, and economic uncertainty to technological shifts and social justice issues. Each contributes to a growing sense of unease and responsibility as we face decisions that could shape our futures and impact those without a voice in the conversation. Wars, political corruption, and polarizing elections contribute to local and global instability. Countries globally are experiencing political tension, with marginalized voices often ignored. Our individual and collective actions, voting, participating in peaceful activism, and supporting just leaders, can help bring stability and representation. Fear is a natural reaction to this uncertainty, but managing it requires grounding practices and a focus on the values we want to live by. We can’t solve every issue alone, but we can make a difference in areas where we have influence. By setting clear personal and professional priorities, we reduce the risk of overwhelm and focus on meaningful impact. Strengthening resilience is about learning how to adapt and recover from stress and adversity. Practices like gratitude, cultivating optimism, and seeking community support can make us less vulnerable to fear and more capable of facing complex issues. The difference between contributing to solutions or problems often boils down to intentionality and consistency in our actions. As we enter a new week with all it potentially holds I am asking the Divine/Olodumare to help me transform my fears and struggles into acts of kindness and strength, so that I may be a source of peace and hope wherever I inhabit. ??
“Goodbye to you”-Patti Smyth Lyrics: “These last few weeks of holding on, the days are dull, the nights are long. Guess it’s better to say, “Goodbye to you.” We’d be better off knowing when to say goodbye: At home, at work, & out on Main Street. When we choose to let go of what is in our way, we make room for more, freeing up space. After breaking free from situations misleading us on, we may begin a new lease on life. Knowing how to say goodbye makes all the difference between complicated grief & ultimate acceptance. Help, hope, & healing is possible. Chaplain Sarah knows. Connection eases suffering, whether we are grieving others or former versions of ourselves, by choice. When it’s not by choice, safe connection is the key to healing forward as well. Self-compassion is as important as compassion to others. Misplaced compassion is problematic. An author described his compassion at work getting in the way of his staff as he held on to an employee too long who was impeding the productivity of others. The sooner we stop playing God, the better off we’ll be. Our job is not to fix anyone uninvited. Of course, we can fix ourselves with God’s help, & lead by example. Tears are holy, let them flow. Expression heals, especially when safely witnessed. I cried a lot during my healing journey. Alone. Then not alone-thank you darling husband. There is a difference. Of course, God is always there. As we work on feeling His presence, His hand on our shoulder, miracles occur. The World witnessed a miracle in President Donald Trump surviving a very close assassination attempt. God is THE Boss, period. Pray it forward. While observing a discussion regarding genuine diamonds & lab grown diamonds, & as a consumer of both, I surmised that being an informed consumer is pivotal. Closed-minded folks who are fakers, using trickery, or hiding political untruths best awaken & smell the coffee before things get worse. People deserve transparency in order to make informed choices. Our empowerment lies there. Goodbye rally shooter, good riddance. No, I won’t say his name. We will not be bullied nor scared away by violence mongers. As for rumors about his being bullied: I was bullied too. I chose to dedicate my life in service, not destruction. We accept no excuses for adults. Healing is possible IF we seek it. Where are the parents? Teachers? Community? ?We salute a heartfelt goodbye to Corey Comperatore, a family man & firefighter turned assassin fighter who lived & died a true hero as he shielded his wife & daughter at that moment & always. Loving courageous heroes will never be forgotten in America, Israel, or anywhere. May his family be comforted. We retain hope for our Israeli hostages’ release. We will never let that go. Am Yisroel Chai! Wishing all a peaceful & productive week. May clarity reign. Our Nations need healing. Thank you Hashem/God!-We need You!????
In the quiet corridors of men’s minds, a weight lingers—an inheritance of silence. We are rusted keys, handed down through time, forged from burdens we never chose to carry. The locks we’re expected to open were sealed long before us, the curses of generations etched into the iron of our being. Yet we stand, fumbling at gates, searching for a language to voice the pain, though the words never seem to fit. Emotions are a storm too complex for the limits of language—especially for men, whose grief often exists in the shadows of unspoken rules. Pain doesn’t begin with us; it travels the bloodline, passed from hand to hand until someone decides to feel it. The shadows we bear aren’t always ours to own. Shame, fear, avoidance—these are the legacies sewn into our fabric, threads woven deep. Beneath stoic faces, battles rage unseen. A storm brews, contained behind smiles and small talk, hidden within the rituals of daily life. We tread the tightrope of expectation, balancing strength and vulnerability. Society’s demand for resilience often translates to silence, and so we carry on—enduring, unbroken, yet breaking within. It is a lonely war. The smallest crack feels like too much to show, but to reach out is radical defiance. It is strength, not weakness, to admit the weight is too heavy. Still, we are a generation taught to swallow words and bury screams. Vulnerability, we were told, is a flaw. Silence is safety. But we know better now. We’ve begun to unlearn, to see ourselves in the mirrors of other men, standing on different floors of this building called life. From the second story to the hundredth, we gaze from windows with views shaped by our scars. Some leap, hoping for softer landings. Others hold on, despite the flames licking at their heels. The cries from below—“Don’t let go!”—can’t touch the fire’s sear, the terror of choosing between falling and burning. Community needs to be intentional. Unfortunately, we live in a questionable world when it comes to these things. Many won't and don't get it. But welcome to manhood, where resilience is often thrust upon us without warning. It’s a realm where fear lurks in the corners of every step, where anxiety isn’t one-size-fits-all but tailored to our deepest wounds. And yet, there’s a courage in leaning into it, in stepping forward while admitting, “I am scared.” Healing is no straight line; it is jagged, bespoke. Every man carries a flame of a different heat. Some extinguish it, some fan it, and others learn to hold it without burning. Mentorship is where it's at. We need more mentors invested in the development of young people and less glorification of motivational speakers/scholars at a distance behind a microphone or keyboard. Come now, December, come, kindly, if you please, and let’s be done with this heavy storm of '24. #MensMentalHealth #movember
Let Your Presence Be the Present The phrase "Let Your Presence be the Present" carries profound meaning, especially when contemplating themes of grief and loss. In the story of Job, his experience serves as a poignant illustration of profound loss and the enduring struggle to find meaning amidst suffering. Job's story, as portrayed in chapters 1 and 2 of the book bearing his name, presents a man who, despite his righteousness, confronts unimaginable tragedies. He endures the loss of his wealth, health, and, ultimately, his children. Job's reaction to these devastating losses is not just a display of grief but a testament to his resilience and unwavering faith. In his culture, his initial mourning, tearing his robe, and shaving his head are traditional signs of mourning. However, amidst his profound anguish, Job also demonstrates an unwavering commitment to his faith, a strength that can inspire those facing their trials. The story of Job invites reflection on the nature of suffering, the complexities of grief, and the importance of presence in times of loss. "Let Your Presence be the Present" underscores the value of companionship and support amid grief. Sometimes, the greatest gift we can offer to those who are grieving is our presence—being there to listen, empathize, and provide comfort without needing to offer solutions or explanations. Job's story ultimately points to the potential for finding hope and restoration even during profound loss. Through his trials, Job experiences a deepening of his faith and a renewed understanding of the sovereignty and compassion of God. His story offers solace and inspiration to those grappling with grief and loss, reminding us that even in the darkest moments, there is the potential for growth, resilience, and eventual healing. This message of hope and resilience can guide readers in dealing with their grief and loss.
Two decades ago, my world shattered into a million pieces with the devastating loss of my sweet son Drew.. The pain that followed was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It felt as though my heart had been ripped from my chest, leaving me to navigate through the depths of despair and sorrow with no map or compass to guide me. In those early days of grief, I found myself treading through uncharted waters, grappling with emotions I never knew existed. There were moments when the weight of my sorrow felt unbearable, when the tears seemed endless, and when the emptiness threatened to consume me entirely. But amidst the darkness, amidst the overwhelming despair, there was a tiny glimmer of hope—a faint whisper urging me to find meaning in the midst of my pain. It was a spark of resilience, a flicker of determination that refused to be extinguished by the shadows that threatened to engulf me. And so, with each passing day, I embarked on a journey—a journey to rediscover purpose amidst the wreckage of my shattered dreams. It was a journey filled with twists and turns, with peaks of hope and valleys of despair. But through it all, I clung to that flicker of hope, knowing that it was the guiding light that would lead me out of the darkness and into the light once more. Now, as I stand on the other side of that journey, I want to extend a hand to anyone who finds themselves in the midst of their own darkness. If you're struggling to find meaning in the face of overwhelming grief, know that you're not alone. Join me on my transformative journey through loss and healing. I invite you to join my community where healing begins: #EmbraceLifeBeyondGrief #MomentofAgency #Healingispossible #LifeCoach
The most beautiful people we encounter are often those who have walked through fire. They’ve faced defeat, endured pain, struggled with hardship, and experienced loss in ways that most of us can scarcely comprehend. Yet, through these trials, their true beauty emerges—not the kind that can be seen on the surface, but the kind that radiates from deep within. These individuals have mastered the delicate art of resilience. They know what it’s like to be broken, to feel lost, and to question everything they once believed. Despite the weight of their struggles, they rise again, emerging stronger and more empathetic. It is this journey through darkness that shapes their hearts with unparalleled sensitivity. Having experienced suffering, they possess an extraordinary capacity for compassion. Their beauty is not about how they look but how they make others feel. It’s a quiet yet powerful presence that brings warmth and healing. They’ve learned to understand life deeper, seeing the world with their eyes and hearts. Their understanding of human pain allows them to connect with others genuinely, rawly, and deeply comfortingly. They listen without judgment, offer support without expectation, and extend kindness without restraint. These people are unique because they have walked through their storms and emerged with an appreciation for life that many who haven’t faced adversity might lack. It’s a gentle strength that comes from understanding that everything is temporary and that every struggle holds a lesson. Their hearts are filled with love—not only for those around them but for themselves—a love forged in the fire of their experiences. Beauty like this doesn’t happen by chance. It is born from enduring the most challenging parts of life and choosing, again and again, to move forward with an open heart. It’s a choice to see the good, even when things seem impossible. The most beautiful people aren’t simply lucky or gifted; they’ve faced the worst and found a way to rise above it, transforming their scars into strength and offering it to others. So, when you encounter someone with this kind of beauty—someone whose spirit shines through their words and actions—remember that their light is born from their struggles. They’ve walked through the dark and emerged with a heart that knows love, kindness, and genuine compassion. That’s a beauty that cannot be bought or imitated. It is earned, hard-won, and absolutely priceless. What does true beauty mean to you? How do you see it manifest in the people you admire most? Follow for more posts like this! #beinghuman #beauty