Tiga Healthcare Technologies 的动态

We are thrilled to announce our remarkable #achievement at InovaLIG 2023, hosted by the Türkiye Exporters Assembly. We have proudly secured second place in the 'Innovation Outcomes' category, a testament to our #commitment to #innovation in healthcare IT. ? Our journey to this #award has been driven by our relentless pursuit of #excellence and a deep dedication to transforming the healthcare industry. Our #innovativesolutions and proven track record in this sector have been pivotal in securing this award. This recognition celebrates our current successes and solidifies our position as an industry leader, constantly pushing the frontiers of innovation and cultivating ideas that promise to redefine the future. ? At Tiga, we remain dedicated to #innovation and #leadership in this dynamic field. This award is more than a milestone: it's guiding our way forward. We are excited about the future; together, let's shape a brighter and healthier future for all. ? . ? Tiga Sa?l?k Teknolojileri olarak, Türkiye ?hracat??lar Meclisi'nin düzenledi?i?#?novaL?G2023'te, ‘?novasyon Sonu?lar?’ kategorisinde ikincilik ?dülünü kazanman?n hakl? gururunu ya??yoruz.?? ? #Sa?l?kbili?imi alan?nda ger?ekle?tirdi?imiz yenilik?i ?al??malar?m?z ve sekt?rde kan?tlanm?? ba?ar?lar?m?z, bu ?dülün kazan?lmas?nda kilit rol oynam??t?r.??? ? ?novasyonun s?n?rlar?n? zorlamak ve gelece?i ?ekillendirecek yenilik?i fikirler geli?tirmek amac?yla kat?ld???m?z bu etkinlikte elde etti?imiz bu ?nemli ba?ar?, sekt?rdeki ?ncü konumumuzu daha da gü?lendirmektedir.?? ? Tiga olarak, bu alan?ndaki yenilik?i yakla??m?m?z? sürdürmeye ve ?ncü olmaya devam edece?iz. Gelin, gelece?i birlikte ?ekillendirelim! ? #TigaHealth #HealthcareIT #PharmaIT #HIMSS2023???
