Calling all teenagers! Or parents/caregivers of teenagers! Or anybody who works with teenagers in any capacity! Science needs you!!! Dr. Keri Burchfield, a sociologist at Northern Illinois University, and I are still looking for participants for our study investigating potential differences in teenagers' perception of home and what they think would make a good home for a dog. This study is open to all teenagers aged 15-18 years old, regardless of gender, location, etc. In order to ensure we have a representative study sample, we are especially in need of BIPOC teenagers, as well as those of all genders to participate. Participation in this study involves taking a short anonymous online survey. The results of this study are intended to help support at risk teenagers and at risk dogs, so please share widely! Here is the direct link for the survey: Thank you!
Development Director | Comprehensive Fundraising, Event Management
1 年Hello, I want to share this survey with teen volunteers at our humane society. Will our shelter and/or the teens receive the survey results?