This open letter about perverting the course of justice was sent by me two months ago to Lord Justice Bean (, The Right Honourable Lord Burnett of Maldon (Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales – and Sir Geoffrey Charles Vos (Master of the Rolls and Head of Civil Justice – There were no comments in response, moreover, Lord Justice Bean, after reading the letter, refused to accept it. There are also no comments from the lawyers of the Russian oligarchs (PhosAgro and its main owners), including Edward Crosse (, who is called the main executor of corruption crimes of these oligarchs in the UK judicial system. #oligarchs #corruption #Putin #PhosAgro #threats
I have nothing to add to what I have stated in this post on behalf of my company. It is very outrageous (and surprising) that for the sake of Russian oligarchs, close to war criminal and dictator Putin, such respected judges in the English judicial system, famous for its fairness, are even ready to turn back the clock, declaring that 6.30 pm is earlier than 4 pm (paragraphs 22-23 of the letter). More details about why it is exactly about perverting the course of justice are in my articles published in my account ( starting on 26 August. In these articles, I gave very easy-to-understand (even for people far from jurisprudence) blatant examples that indicate the deliberate perverting the course of justice. More details about my wild and shocking story with these Putin’s oligarchs (as a whole) are in my petition ( I will be grateful for signing and sharing.
Why is the information about the involvement of Ed Crosse of Simmons & Simmons in corruption in the interest of Russian oligarchs in the UK still not checked?! #corruption #oligarchs #justice #injustice #crimes
To avoid misunderstandings: Lord Justice Bean is Judge David Bean -
This letter has been opened about 6,000 times here. There was no reaction from Lord Justice David Byron. Not in any form: not in the form of a reply; not in the form of an accusation of contempt of court or that I question the independence of the judicial system (which would be natural if there were false accusations in my letter); not in any form else. The defendants (the Russian oligarchs, in whose favor Lord Justice David Bean made his deliberately unlawful decisions) also do not demand to hold me accountable for contempt of court - they pretend not to notice this public letter (by the way, it was also sent to them as part of official correspondence).
How can it be?! Especially in the UK and against the background that the Russian oligarchs don’t even deny that it is exactly they who are behind the death threats and the information about their order to kill me (the plaintiff) is true -