Presenting #schgarchtalk season 02! Join our speaker Matilda Siebrecht (Matilda Siebrecht) on Saturday, Oct 21, 2023, 04:25 pm (UTC +1) as she will be talking about “Better Than Fiction: Exploring Alternative Methods of Accessible Archaeological Communication” in session 03 titled “Accessible Communication in Archaeology”. Please DM your email address or join event (, and we will get back to you with an event booklet, abstract booklet, programme, and live event's joining link. Inset: Matilda is an independent researcher who received her MA in Archaeology of the North from Aberdeen University (2014), Scotland, and her MSc in Archaeological Science from Leiden University (2016), Netherlands. She graduated with an online postgraduate degree in journalism from the London School of Journalism (2020), UK. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Archaeology from Groningen University, Netherlands. She is a specialist in microwear analysis and northern cultures. Since the last quarter of 2023, she has been working at Streichardt & Wedekind Arch?ologie, an excavation company based in G?ttingen, Germany, as the manager of their online outreach and related activities. Her main research interest is the microwear analysis of organic material from the Dorset Paleo-Inuit material culture assemblages in the central Canadian Arctic. From 2020, she has also been involved in science communication through her podcasts on The EXARC Show and her own podcast, as well as through her social media channels. Scan the QR code to access the Registration Form for attendees/listeners. See our feed posts and Instagram story highlights for more details on ArchTalk season 02. #schgpk #schgwt #schglearnathome #teaday #régészetneked #plumasdesimurgh #museumatters #archaeology #climate #culturalheritage #accessibility #socialmedia #sciencecommunication #ArcticArchaeology #MicrowearAnalysis #podcast #journalism #europe?