We are proud to announce that KUMPUL officially signed an MoU with Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), joining forces to strengthen and empower social entrepreneurship KUMPUL.ID is working closely with KADIN to build Wiki Wirausaha (Wiki Entrepreneurship), a collaborative platform for MSME to connect with corporate partners and dedicated MSMEs Empowerment Program. For KUMPUL.ID, this collaboration will be a game changer for our entrepreneurship ecosystem to grow and to create even larger social impacts using Wiki Wirausaha as the source of information, learning, and to connect with bigger opportunities. We are grateful for this opportunity for KUMPUL.ID’s commitment to bring more positive impacts through this partnership, to become the driving force for entrepreneurs to grow to the next level. #KUMPULid #ToInfinityAndBeyond #kumpulforbusiness #umkmnaikkelas #kadinxkumpul #indonesia2030 #memajukanekosistem #ecosystemenabler #dukungumkm