In Germany, we say "Wer nichts misst, misst Mist" - meaning something like "measuring nothing means measuring rubbish". And we think that hits the nail on the head. ?? At the same time, many reports are produced within the "great paper factory of unread reports" that no one really cares about. ?? The underlying problem is: It is not clear what question the report is supposed to answer. As long as the purpose of a report is unknown, however, the report in itself is useless. This is why the following questions should always be answered in advance: 1. What do I want to know? 2. Why do I want to have this information? (probably the hardest and simultaneously the most important question) 3. To what extent does this information help me to control or improve my service? 4. Are there any other audience groups that need this report? 5. What are the sources behind the numbers? (The process of calculation should be thoroughly outlined.) 6. What are the thresholds? How can I see if everything is going alright or if I have to step in? 7. How can I automatize the report completely? If you seriously consider these questions, your reporting will become much more meaningful and, thus, will help you to optimise your services really fast. ??