Risk, Security, Safety, Resilience & Management Sciences的动态

"Stating #risks: causes, events and consequences. In stating risks, care should be taken to avoid stating consequences that may arise as being the risks themselves, i.e. identifying the symptoms without their cause(s). Equally, care should be taken to avoid defining risks with statements that are simply the converse of the objectives, i.e. failure to achieve the intended output/outcome. Organisations typically assess consequences using a combination of criteria, which commonly include financial, reputational, legal, regulatory, safety, security, environmental, employee, customer and operational effects. The criteria used should be dynamic and should be periodically reviewed and amended, as necessary. Scales should allow meaningful differentiation for ranking and prioritisation purposes based on assigning values to each risk using the defined criteria. When assigning a consequence rating to a risk, the rating for the highest, most credible worst-case scenario should be assigned. " https://buff.ly/3WhTd4J #risk #risks #enterpriserisk #enterprisesecurityriskmanagement #intelligence #threatlintelligence #riskmanagement #riskanalysis #riskassessment #riskmanagementframework #operationalriskmanagement #projectriskmanagement #projectrisk #operationalresilience #resilience #operationalrisk #riskintelligence #governance #security #securityriskmanagement #securitymanagement #securityrisks #enterprisesecurity #cybersecurity #physicalsecurity #informationsecurity #digitalsecurity #securityoperations #enterprisesecurityriskmanagement #securityassessment #intelligence #threatlintelligence #risk #riskmanagement

  • Stating risks: causes, events and consequences
