"This framework supports the journey towards increased professionalism of #riskmanagement across government, a key part of which is the expectation to have achieved or be working towards a level of qualification consistent with the responsibilities of each role alongside wider knowledge and experience to deliver effectively in roles. This risk management professionalism journey will continue as we implement the accepted recommendations from the Boardman Review of Government Procurement in the COVID-19 pandemic." #risk #risks #enterpriserisk #enterprisesecurityriskmanagement #intelligence #threatlintelligence #riskmanagement #riskanalysis #riskassessment #riskmanagementframework #operationalriskmanagement #projectriskmanagement #projectrisk #operationalresilience #resilience #operationalrisk #riskintelligence #governance #procurement #experience
"In successful organisations #riskmanagement enhances strategic planning and prioritisation, improves service delivery, assists in achieving objectives and strengthens the ability to be agile to respond to the challenges faced. This can only be achieved through the effective understanding and application of risk management frameworks, standards, tools and techniques, supported through relevant training and qualifications for key stakeholders. This must be accompanied by engaged senior leaders, effective communication and a clear understanding of the organisation, its culture and its operating environment to inspire confidence across all levels.?" #risk #risks #enterpriserisk #enterprisesecurityriskmanagement #intelligence #threatlintelligence #riskmanagement #riskanalysis #riskassessment #riskmanagementframework #operationalriskmanagement #projectriskmanagement #projectrisk #operationalresilience #resilience #operationalrisk #riskintelligence #governance