??Hot Tip: Trying to "build back better" without numbers (MONEY INFO) is a red flag. "Give us your approach" is inequitable enough, but doing so without giving candidates a frame of reference is the opposite of biz for good. Without clear documents and process, criteria to apply, a timeline, a rubric, & actual $$ info it is EXPLOITATION, period. Job postings, RFPs, project requests MUST include financial details to be "designing for good," period. There is no halfway about this. Budget transparency is a requirement to achieve pay parity. Some Do-Gooder Slack communities have strict guidelines about posting jobs/RFPs. Others give you B.S. when you ask about the budget. How can any org who claims BLM and biz for good put a post out for a gender inclusive social/racial justice facilitator and NOT share budgets? Give ranges at the very least. Social entrepreneurs, Big Biz leaders, State Orgs, it is on ALL of us to ensure equitable, accessible procurement processes. To spend time pitching our IP & best ideas just to "win" business? Worse, the project planning is always snuck in there...for a job test or RFP. Without sharing rates or salary bands, orgs side with "The Powers That Be" who do everything to squeeze workers, pay less, & play games. Groups "for good" should not be party to that B.S. Green washing and DEI-washing is not our thing, is it? Social businesses are slow, methodical, careful, considered, ethical, and equitable. As a community, we must hold ourselves and each other accountable. This goes for any climate, racial, gender, social, or economic justice seekers. We CANNOT ignore this. As a Collective we must demand, "Show me the money" before we show our ideas. Requirements for "good"––Operating budget transparency Caps on C-Suite salaries Fix overly cumbersome grant applications Limit or remove reporting requirements Disclose RFP budgets Do not target "diverse" vendors unless you get it. You WILL cause more harm. For people normally shut out of opportunities, remove barriers. Don't add more obstacles. Put your money where your mouth is. Give us a number, and hire us first.
Want to be more ethical and equitable in your procurement processes and hire diverse creative consultants and back up your statements about being a biz for good? coFLOWco can help with that! https://coflowco.com/consulting-shop/#ops-orgdev
Yaaasss! DEI must be integrated into the core business strategy as with any other function. Plan, Implement, Invest (time, money and resources), Measure and hold leadership accountable to their expressed commitment DEI. If not knowing what to do is still a reason in 2022, it’s an excuse and stall tactic, Periodt. Form a committee, create a DEI position, hire a consultant. The longer a company waits the more debt they’re accumulating. Jamie Harrell, MBA said it best in this article: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/new-model-dei-business-case-moving-from-pl-balance-jamie-harrell-mba
Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.
2 年Accessibility image info: Blue square with light blue type "Paychecks help you get by. Wealth helps you get ahead." Senator Corey Booker.