Compliments Someone wanted to connect with me here on LinkedIn. Their invite praised the storytelling style in my profile. After I accepted the connection, the person again was kind with praise and personable with references to where he was and where I had been. Nothing asked of me. Nothing sold to me. I'm pretty sure giving compliments is something he does often and it makes him feel good, just like it made me feel good. We should give more compliments
Compliments are free energy. Sure, they take a few seconds to come up with and deliver, but if they’re genuine, they actually create more energy than they use up. Alchemy! It’s the closest thing to daily magic ?? that ever I did come across. Thanks for sharing your insights and gifts with the world. ?? Love the green moss ??
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For sure, spread more compliments towards coworkers and others on your path. Spread positiveness around you, and it will come back to you as well. A positive mind is more creative and efficient.