Eudaimonia Coaching UK的动态

The moment when my client realised... that what was keeping him stuck is HONESTY. Not with me, not with the world, but with himself. Our thoughts, emotions, circumstances change so rapidly. It's only natural that our Beliefs and Values go out of date so quickly. It's hard to navigate our world, without new updated "inner systems". That's what MINDFULNESS suggests: being connected, present, in-tune with ourselves. Our values & beliefs are our CORE OPERATING SYSTEM. But every now & then (& more often than we're ALL ready to admit), we need to upgrade or update our older versions. We need to GROW & change. This is the EVOLUTION stage of the Purpose Journey. I've seen him grow, change, evolve, so rapidly in the last year, it's insane. It's proportionate to his ambition. But, it's not fast enough for him. And when he thought he was hitting a wall (what's wrong with me? what am I missing?) BINGO!!! His intuition is SPOT ON. But this moment takes courage. Think about it: to even entertain the thought that our values are out of sync, that we may have been avoiding facing the truth... Who does that makes me? Who am I, if I have nothing to hold onto? FEAR kicks in. Frustration. Doubt. Resistance. And frankly, most people resort to what they know: they give up [...]

  • a painting of a book

[1 of 2] abandon & SELL their purpose, for predictability, security & safety. A recent study from the University Hospital of Bonn, shows that what instils confidence in people, when making decisions, is a "learned memory" (i.e. their past conditioning). But how can this work in the future when we cannot rely on our past experience? The good news is... that the TRUTH liberates us. Freedom comes from the simple yet, very hard act of being TRUE & HONEST with ourselves. Every day, every step. Not once or twice in big heroic acts. The Purpose fight is a worthwhile, constant & infinite one (as Simon Sinek mentions in his new book, Infinite Game). HONESTY (that's it), but it takes courage. I've never managed to bypass the truth. No one can cheat on it. I procrastinate like hell, I get stuck & sulk in excuses all the time... until I decide to face the TRUTH. Only when I LET GO of what does not serve me anymore, I can move forward. I have now (conveniently) replaced CONFIDENCE with COURAGE, to navigate my future and keep evolving. Of course I have the choice to be stuck in my past. The latter is also a truth which can liberate me, but I need to choose it consciously & admit to it.


[2 of 2] I think this piece of art I found in a gallery in Padstow Cornwall says it best (by The Connor Brothers, The Truth will set you Free, hand finished pigment print on canvas, £12,500). Artists know intimately the fight for Freedom and the infinite path of Purpose. The only way to thrive is to remain truthful to ourselves... but how? By continuously asking the question: IS IT TRUE? This is the SECRET to keep evolving on your Infinite Game. Here is the PURPOSE Path simplified: COURAGE leads to TRUTH, which leads to FREEDOM.


#TruthWillSetYouFree #Confidence #UniversityHospitalBonn #LearnedMemory #Courage #InfiniteGame #SimonSinek #PurposeCoaching #PurposefulCareer #FindYourPurpose #CareerChange #CareerTransition #CareerShift #SelfDiscovery #MeaningfulWork #Ikigai #Fulfilment #CareerPassion #careertips #CareerCoaching #CareerClarity #CareerSkills #CareerProgression #PurposeCoach #CareerCoach #FindYourWhy #Eudaimonia #Eudaimoniacoaching

