My Dad has Dementia. It's not so far advanced that he can't remember who I am...although I am bracing myself for that day! He lives a fairly normal life but struggles to concentrate for long and finds he forgets simple everyday things all the time. It's frustrating and shatters his confidence which is hard to watch for a proud man that used to be such a confident and charismatic person. He spends most of his day sleeping or reading but recently reading has also become frustrating for him. The document below explains why... #mentalhealth #dementiaawareness #technology Amazon Grace Anello Jorrit Van der Meulen
Thank you for raising awareness of this issue. There are so many aspects when managing a family member with dementiia.
My mum had Vascular Dementia and like you found she was frustrated by technology, nothing was sufficiently simple, and as the illness progresses, it became obvious that in the latter stages only music comforted her. There is a lot of research into this and it is something I am actively looking to assist in. Have you seen Cathy Treadway's Laugh project 'Hug' it is enlightening. So sorry your Dad is suffering from this terrible illness.
This conversation had to get started! Thanks for starting it.
Thanks for sharing. My mum is also at a similar stage.
Absolutely, later stage humans with brain diseases are the last people thought about when designing tech. That’s why we at Mindpalace put them at the heart of our solutions.
My mum has Alzheimer’s - she has always read a lot and we share books - yes good old fashioned books - she can manage those ok - just a thought in this modern technology advanced world we live in ??
It's tough using technology at the best of times let alone for those with dementia. Good on you for making it easier for him Mark Williams. He is a luck man...??
#TheLeastICanDoAfterAllHeHasDone Thanos ??
Thought provoking post, living with someone who has Alzheimer’s and who was an avid reader but now cannot read anything other than the newspaper because she cannot remember what she read and therefore cannot follow the plot is just heartbreaking. So frustrating for her and so sad for us. Thank you for sharing. I hope that if nothing else you make more people aware of the problem. For me, just knowing others are experiencing the same challenges, makes caring for her a little easier.
Human Skills Enablement (HSE ??) | Frontline Leadership | Better Conversations | E-Colours Practitioner ???? | Podcast Host | Author | Co-founder.
4 年Many years ago I worked as a care nurse for the elderly and it was heartbreaking to watch kindness and patience all round is needed. And, you got me thinking about the tech ??