Job seekers exist in a world blanketed with headlines that hiring is down across the U.S. and that tens of millions of people simultaneously are looking for employment. Yet glimmers of hope have been popping up among those gloomy reminders. The country’s weekly jobless report shows that fewer and fewer people are filing fresh unemployment claims, for example. Yet confidence among those on the hunt for a new job remains low at +13 on a scale ranging from -100 to +100, according to the latest data from LinkedIn’s Workforce Confidence Index — a biweekly measure of how people feel about their job security, financial well-being and career outlook, Job seekers in the recreation and travel industry were the most pessimistic, with a composite score of -11. Those in the entertainment industry and the media and communications industry were also among the most pessimistic, with composite scores of -4 and -5, respectively. Yet, there are signs that a boost in confidence may be on the horizon. The data show confidence is increasing among states actively working to reopen operations. As more businesses and companies find a new normal, job seekers may grow more optimistic. Read more about the #WorkforceConfidenceIndex: ???: Andrew Seaman
I think it's interesting that it used to be that blue collar workers got laid off then the managers got raises. Now, all of a sudden, its the other way around. Interesting......soon it will be that the trade school grads, the ones who wear blue jeans to work, will be in demand.
from who point of view - so many jobs are on hold interviews yes but all recuritor site posting the same jobs every day
I was laid off Nov 2019. I had over 18 yrs experience but that doesn't seen to even matter. I have had 2 interviews. The majority of the jobs I've applied for I have never heard back on. A few did send a "happy" email letting me know that they wish me the best. I truly believe my issues are my age and my salary requirements. The jobs I see posted are for maybe a third of what I was making and they "expect" you to know everything!! I was a Microsoft Exchange admin. I did not make network changes, control security or create group policies. For $25K to $35K employers are wanting someone that can run the entire IT Dept. It is very frustrating. Not sure what to even do anymore.
During this difficult time for job seekers I am trying to stay positive. Reaching out to my network on job opportunities. I am also taking advantage of the free training available to enhance my skills.
Oh yes need medical professionals now and onward...
Hey, how are you? Hope you and your family are staying safe during COVID 19... I will be in Virginia once the new office open..
Thank you for
Je suis M. Boudra Zeid el-Kheir d'Algérie. J'ai 45 ans. Je ne suis pas marié. J'ai un certificat de qualification professionnelle dans le domaine de la mécanique des machines à coudre depuis 1996. J'ai un permis de conduire avec près de 10 ans d'expérience. J'ai 5 ans d'expérience dans le domaine de la garde et un professionnel de la santé publique depuis un an. Dame respectée, aidez-moi à immigrer au Canada pour travailler et améliorer ma situation sociale. Merci. Veuillez agréer mon plus grand respect et ma plus grande appréciation.
I have been hammered by recruiters. I do not trust these calls.
Grief & Transition Coach/End of Life Doula/Funeral Celebrant
4 年I am a bedside RN in hospice so in my current role I cannot work from home but I am desperately trying to find work as a nurse that allows me to work from home full time . After these past few months, I am more done with working in an active clinical inpatient file than I ever have been before. I have worked remotely before and am perfectly able and willing to do so again. Permanently!!!!