Health care professionals may be on the frontlines of the coronavirus response, but they’re not immune to the pressures that have challenged other sectors of the economy. As hospitals made the expensive shift to planning for a surge in patients, they also had to pause more profitable services, like elective procedures. And that’s meant pay cuts, furloughs and layoffs for clinical and non-clinical roles. LinkedIn’s Workforce Confidence Index — a biweekly measure of how people feel about their job security, finances and career outlook — has been trending downward for the health care industry. While the U.S. score has remained steady at +29 (on a scale from -100 to +100), the health care industry has dipped to +31 from a score of +35 four weeks ago. The health care industry also isn’t optimistic that things will improve over the next six months. When asked about the outlook for their employers, respondents were notably more pessimistic than those in industries including retail, consumer goods and real estate. Different specialty areas have been impacted to different degrees. If you work in health care, how are you feeling about your ability to change jobs or advance in your career? See more #WorkforceConfidenceIndex findings: ?: Beth Kutscher
Well thought good time to have 4 level lumbar fusion post day 10 all good get 90 day disability 60% pay with all benefits 12 weeks FMLA. WITH80% pay cut good time as not losing much pay and 19 months till retirement when I return. Heard salaries will take few years to rebound but office now at 100%. Guess I am fortunate but need good post op recovery from major 12 hour back surgery. Good luck to all you I health care. Jobs will return just a lot of health organizations took big financial hit especially losin income from elective surgery. Ours was 3 months.
I am a pull nurse and haven't worked since March 29 even though I said I could, time was only given to full and part timers and still not enough hrs for them, they had to use personal time instead.
Although I feel saddened for so may people that are going through so many changes a so many stages of life, I just want to encourage you not to loose hope! Develop the same faith that you had every pay period expecting a check. Yes times are hard and may get harder but find a good support base that will speak positive things into your life. I was forced to give up my career as a RN due to unexpected surgery 2 years ago, and while things are different, I’ve learn to count my blessings to have some of the basic things in life. Don’t give up the fight, things are going to turn around! Please be encouraged all!
I left ambulatory surgery and went back to my clinical area of labor and Delivery. Women are still having babies!
We don’t have enough nurses!! We are short staffed
My work at the hospital during this has been steady but many of my colleagues have been furloughed due to not doing elective surgeries and other outpatient procedures. I have had family and colleagues go to the Northeast to help that contracted Covid-19.
Maybe this is blind optimism but I have confidence that we will come out of this and be busier than ever when restrictions lift. Yes procedures are elective but they effect quality of life. We must press onward for these patients if safe to do so. The risk will never be zero— and honestly it’s no greater or less then when we started. Widespread testing and contact tracing is essential in getting us back and reducing that risk.
I work in X-ray for Orthopedic providers. Our location was forced to close until further notice. All of us are at 0 to limited hours. We try to pick up shifts at other locations. However, we have been forced to use all of our PTO to be paid when we are not at 40 hours.. We do reveice 60% of our pay from the hospital. We are all appreciative of that for sure.
Thanks for sharing
Clinic Manager
4 年Recently received paycut and demotion, informed totally due to restructuring, many others cut and time cut, still may face hour loss or termination . Looking at changing careers but not sure how , to make it thru a transition.