Heard of the "Citizen data scientist"? This is a term at the end of its (short) shelf life ??? Coined a few years back, the attempt was to make everyone a data wiz. With the magic of do-it-all tools & readymade tech ? It never worked and doesn't stand a chance ?? To start with, the ask from data scientists has been pretty steep: stats, math, coding, domain, amongst a dozen other skills ???? Now imagine expecting a non-tech person to do a number of these, even if it's a complementary role to data scientists? No, AutoML, Augmented analytics or supercharged BI tools can't give this superpower. Yes, I'm all for #DataLiteracy. We must enable everyone with a sense of numbers, & empower Orgs with a culture of data ? But, "#CitizenDataScientists" stretches this quite a bit. We must educate people on data, but simplify data science for them. Don't expect to make data scientists out of everyone. What do you think? Any other interpretations for this term? #datascience #datascientist #datadrivendecisions
Here is my take on this. Data could be of different kinds - not only numbers. I agree with you when you say not to make everyone a Data Sceintist. But with the technology, we all could be equipped with the outcome/insight we want. Education is different from Learning - I feel this is what would simplify data for the masses. Now whether it is learning a new skill or adopting new tool, it has to be imbibed keeping in mind the end goal.
Analytics Product Development | Financial Analyst | Mentor
4 年Agree to your view that - it's too much to ask for a non-tech person to do what a data scientist does. It would unfair to both - the skill sets of non-tech person and also a data scientist. Slightly different thought here... I've always advocated a practice to have good Analytics skills in each person in my team. Someone like #CitizenDataAnalyst Not expecting to code, stats... Understanding data, trends, making sense of it with an Excel sheet or even with a pen n paper is good enough. I've personally known many non techies who use their analytical skills to manage their personal wealth well, track their health issues, etc.