Castle Defense 360? (ProActive Protectors)的动态

We have been offering our IED Response Lane Training course to Law Enforcement and other First Responders for a couple of years yet no department seems to think there is a need. At least someone sees the need for the new necessity training. When are we going to get a call? "Trooper Michael Szawlowski with the MSP bomb squad told the I-Team that the SWAT teams always go in first to dangerous situations, and if the officers aren’t trained and don’t have experience in what to look for, it could be catastrophic. " "Police in Hingham say they took a step back last month in a domestic incident during which a man barricaded himself in his home and allegedly began shooting at officers. At one point, officials say he threw an explosive device at them, but it didn’t go off." #educatetrainprotectdefend #castledefense360 #irlt #newnecessity #explosives #suspiciouspackage #protectivemeasures #publicsafety #generalpublic #lawenforcement #firstresponders #bombs #ied #iedresponse #lawenforcementtraining #policetraining #protectiveservices #privatesecurity #massachusetts
