Perhaps we are focusing on the wrong things. We don't need women to be more like men. We need to be valued for our unique traits. "The assumption that assertiveness is a more valuable trait than, say, deference is itself the product of a ubiquitous and corrosive gender hierarchy." #leadlikeawoman #womeninbiz #womeninbusiness #unique
?? this! Feminine (receiving, nurturing, cultivating) and masculine (creating, asserting) energies work together. Both are beautiful. Both are powerful. Both are needed.
I've always remembered reading in a Dick Francis novel long ago that the best way to defuse tension in any situation is to apologize.? Said by a male character who was a diplomat.? Thanks for the food for thought!
You describe a cultural revolution whose time has certainly come. I consciously apologize when I make a mistake because it’s the right thing to do. And everyone should have the humility to do it. While we continue playing on the men’s field, hopefully one day we can change the rules to create an equal field for all.
Well said! I loved your idea that we need to be valued for our unique traits. Women bring a sense of community and inclusivity to a business, making them that much more efficient in problem solving—equaling in being more profitable as a company at the end of the day. #leadlikeawoman
Nicely put Andrea Heuston! Very true statements as well as a valuable new and refreshing perspective on this topic. Telling women to "lean in" or alike is a trap! Like you suggest..these are flawed excuses, for not having to acknowledge a female contributor at her well-deserved worth. No matter what and how She does Great Things, It is labelled as too little/too much... [fill in your buzz word]...or it was the idea/contribution of the men around her. Sure!! (Sarcasm off) This still very apparent inequality causes high Levels of frustration, pain and Anger. Hopefully, we can instrumentalize this into positive energy to keep on fighting the uphill battle and not to loose the precious talented women where we need them most!
We just need to be respected for what we are and what we are able to bring on the table.
Master of Business Administration - MBA at Business School Nederland
5 年such an important perspective. The men need to see our point of view