Three books that have had a profound impact on me 1) #TrillionDollarCoach by Alan Eagle, Eric Schmidt & Jonathan Rosenberg 2) Designing Destiny by Daaji Kamlesh Patel 3) Being Mortal by Atul Gawande What book has had a similar impact on you?
"What is enquiry into the Truth? It is the firm conviction that the Self is real, and all, other than That, is unreal." –Adi Shankaracharya A person's evolution doesn't depend upon how much books he read or how much qualitative informations he gathered or how much he explored in life; but by being true to the best he knows — learning is being. It's not easy to get rid of illusions of life. It lingers even after having knowledge. We cannot commune ourselves with realities until we are free from contact with unrealities. We cannot attain to the Self until we are free from the clutches of the non-Self. We cannot attain the Atman until we are free from contact with the anatman. We can't judge the higher things from a low standpoint. According to Revered Daaji, "Direct perception is unfettered by any limitations. A Yogi also has access to knowledge without filters, the wisdom of the universe." For a deeper understanding please continue reading here: The greatest sage Revered Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa has propounded that "If you truly want to be a holy man (man of highest Divine wisdom) give up the idea of self-importance.Pay no attention whether you are respected or not."
Read Ghatsutra by deepak Karanjikar on conspiracies theories from Titanic to Trump elections. It is in Marathi.
The Greatest salesman in the world by og mandino
Seagull by Jonathan
So nice and beautyful in india
1. Fountain Head 2. Raving Fans 3. Steve Jobs
Measure what matters - made us a fairer employer and focussed the whole organization on a longer term strategy
Engineering Manager at Everlaw Inc.
5 年1. Man's Search for Meaning has had a great impact on me -? It taught me meaning in life can be found in several ways : a) In work or a good deed b) In experiencing something(similar to travel) or experiencing someone ( love of a spouse, child) c) In our sufferings. Written by a Holocaust survivor Viktor E. Frankl, this book talks about what keeps a person going in the toughest life situations in this case - informed by the author's hellish experience in a Nazi camp. 2. Richest Man in Babylon by George Clayson: A bunch of simple guiding advice about how to save more, clear debt and strive towards financial freedom. This book should be a must-read for every graduate because of its simple tenets that can be super helpful in handling Personal Finance.