I often get asked how to make it on Broadway. I spoke with LinkedIn’s Maya Pope-Chappell about my path to working on Broadway as part of the #HowIGotHere series. I share some untold secrets about this work and the obstacles I overcame to get here. Have additional questions about my career journey or want to gain some insights into the industry? I'm taking your questions so ask away in the comments below and I'll respond in between rehearsals later this week!
Excellent BrotherGregory Hines Was my neighbor when I lived inManhattan we used to frequent the Little CornerCafe B's on Broadway B's Cafe n his roommate we graduated from the same high school inNewOrleans Brother WENDELL Dats Awesome I will be in NewYork to run in my wheelchair again the NewYorkCity Marathon backwards just like 2yrs ago as the only military veteran n yes I am raising no less than 3 grand 4 BACK ONMY FEET Charities there the weekend of November3,2019 NHappyEaster updates brought to you by our natural daily nutrition partners @globalpinman.myevolv.com n check out the FUN Blog F-Fully U-Understanding N-Needs @ pinmanworld2020.blogspot.com Here2be a blessing@least live from the new home of the"WHODATNATION ofTEXAS" Amen, RevMarkPinman out !
This is great. ?Thanks Mandy Gonzalez!?Watched it with my Broadway-aspiring, Hamilton-loving daughter.
love that you shared your story, Mandy!
Amazing story, thanks for sharing Maya Pope-Chappell?and team.
Wow! What an inspiring story! Thank you!
Hi Mandy. Tremendous congratulations on all of your deserved success! I don't have theatrical training. I have some independent film credits and have done two community plays. But everyone tells me that I have big talent and I believe in myself, and I have tremendous drive. Will the theatre industry give me a chance despite my lack of theatre background? How do I even get into the position to audition for an equity role? Also, here's a link to my Bay Area general audition in 2019. What do you think and what am I lacking? Please be honest - I take criticism very constructively.? ? ?https://youtu.be/jChbH2wnbS8
What is the most difficult genre to do?
Thank you, You inspired me to move forward towards my acting career more stern. I to believe anything is possible once you have the hard work to put in it.
[email protected]
5 年Thanks Mandy , it is nice from you in taking your time to share with everyone. Love, Chastfeel