Yesterday evening I had ice cream - a lot. Here’s how it destroyed my recovery at night: An important indicator for your recovery status is how fast you reach your lowest resting heart rate (RHR). I usually reach it very fast after drifting away (see last pic) but with yesterday’s sugar bomb it took me until 4am. And not only that - my average heart rate during the whole night was 10% higher (50 BPM vs. 46). Not much you might say but this is 240 beats more per hour and 1500 beats more per night. You do the math what this means over a year, decade and lifetime... I’m not saying ‘Don’t eat ice cream’. I just want you to know that we pay a price when we eat high sugar foods late in the evening. My deep sleep was also significantly less than normal. My recommendation: cheat strategically. Cheat when you don’t need to be at your best the next day. But leave away high sugar food when you want to peak perform the next day. Your thoughts/experiences in this? #strategicrecovery Oura
What you measured indirectly was diet-induced thermogenesis, which is the increase of energy expenditure above basal metabolic rate. The hierarchy of macronutrient oxidation in the post-prandial state is alcohol, protein, carbohydrate (sugar), and fat. So sugar is not particularly bad for the recovery for it is simply a reflection of digestion. Try a beef steak next time. The results are similar, if not “worse” ??
Hi Chris, Really interesting thoughts here. Have you got any studies you could point me in the direction of. I’m interested in finding out about the physiology behind time to lowest HR and the relationship to recovery? And the other metrics you mentioned in the post. Many thanks.
Wish you all a fantastic start into the new week. Mine has started perfectly with a low stable RHR (I had no ice cream last night ?? - what about you?)
Great info. I did over 2,1K active calories yesterday. Felt great about myself. Decided to treat myself with B&J in the evening. Had a shitty night. Now I'm not just physically tired, but also mentally. Not a great way to start work week.
Love this post! I’ve tested a number of different things as well and it is amazing how out body reacts to every single aspect of our daily activities. How about having an Oura though... what a technology!! ????????
Same happens to me, and I've tracked it with Oura. It's incredible what food does to our sleep and recovery, both in good and bad.
Hmm, very interesting insight. Next time I will verify it by myself.
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