Blockchain = RFID? State your case!
RFID isn't my forte unless I'm downrange trying not to get blown up by an IED...Oh wait those days are over. However this chart bears a striking resemblance to tulip craze of the 1400s..... ??????
As far as the level of hype surrounding blockchain, very comparable, especially in the early aughts when RFID was going to be everywhere... hell even our teeth could have RFID on them but... RFID traces back to WWII when it was proven you could track radio signals. By the 1960s the railroads where testing various methods for tracking rolling stock with readable bar codes printed on the sides of rolling stocks and then moving to RFID in the late 1960s... Once the technology became affordable and viable in the 1980s, the railroads went full force on using RFID. RFID has a proven track record in supply chain management, just not to the 'cool'?level that many would like to see.? I think David Maloney?did a good job in his December column illustrating how technologies that seem shiny and new, are not really all that new... it is how we apply them to existing problems that make them seem new. What I've learned about technology is that it evolves and what we start out with will definitely change and change again. For blockchain, technically speaking it's been around since 1991.? Here is a link to Dave's column.
Agree, but I also don't see that as a bad thing. The natural hype cycle is a well understood phenomenon. RFID has lots of valid uses, but it certainly doesn't fix All The Things (tm). Blockchain is the same. Once the snake oil salespeople are out of the room, the practitioners can get to work.
"Gartner Hype Cycle" seems validated again
I've been using this analogy for a bit now but never had the metrics to back it up.? Great to see and good stuff Matt!? I'm not sure what tool you used, but what would be really cool is to see if you could get a similar chart (different time horizon) for RFID.? I wonder if the flow would be the same.? It might also be cool to see the same chart for AI or Machine Learning.? Concepts have been around longer but I wonder if the hype cycle is following a similar curve...
Love it! I’m going to “steal” the chart for my post today (but credit you for the idea). A related data point: blockchain startup OpenPort announced this week that it is out of money and liquidating. It looks like investors are starting to lose their enthusiasm too. Then again, Ford and IBM announced this week that they are working on a blockchain project to track and trace cobalt sourced from Congo. So the big guys continue to invest where it makes sense.
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6 年Like your post. I have made a similar comparison for TMS and BlockChain using google trends in past.,blockchain