Thanks Carly Wild ! I tested the new @GCPcloud Scheduler (cron job). It works. Found an error in quickstart, in "gcloud app create [--region=REGION]... REGION="us-central", not "us-central1" there !
see App engine region at? us-central (Iowa) Not "us-central1" as in doc below,? "where [REGION] is one of the supported locations. Currently the supported regions include us-central1***, europe-west1, and asia-northeast1. " It gave me error below when use above, need to use us-central instead !
GDE, GCP, AWS, Azure Cloud Expert, CKA/S, ex-Oracle, 38k Followers. Many X Certified in Clouds, DevOps & k8s. Hackathons Winner. Writer, Speaker, Mentor. Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer : )
6 年new Cloud Scheduler API