Ok, so you don't want to be a leader! You're tired of hearing about how great leaders are! I get it.....Sooo, you want to be a follower! "I don't think it's nice to be called a follower"... "I'm nobodies follower!!!" "Nobody's going to tell me what to do!!" Now before everyone gets the tar and feathers to teach me, let me explain please..... We have unnecessarily allowed "follower" become a bad word! It's not a 4 letter word! It is the most influential role there is! In Creative Followership, Jimmy Collins has a number of follower principles that say different. Being a follower is an important and, should be, highly valued role in all organizations. The title follower should be highly respected as well! Don't let someone fit you in their mold by what they think of being a follower! Be the best you! Example, Principle 23, "Be Assertive." Does that sound like a subservient role? NO! He goes on to say, ...."the best kind of followers are Mustangs [(a magnificent and powerful breed of horse)]. Mustangs are assertive." Don't want to lead, great!!! Be a Mustang , a Creative Follower.....don't let others ruin being a follower for you!! #leadership #design #inspiration #talent #integrity #balance #CreativeFollower #oleg, Oleg. Brigette, Amer, Talal
Anything with horses is going to get my attention. I am an avid rider though I no longer ride every week. I hope that changes soon.? I firmly believe, if you can't be a good follower, you will never be a great leader.?
You're exactly right W. Kevin Ward! Thanks for the mention!
Love it.
Excellent insights again Kevin!
W. Kevin Ward in other words, don’t try to be. A leader or you will be full of yourself. Don’t be a foot rag or what people consider follower. Be yourself.
Interesting perspective W. Kevin Ward?- and agree there are issues with the word "follower" which does have negative connotations when applied to mass following of celebrities on social media platforms. But the other kind of 'follower' you mention are really team members. Every team, every business and most situations, call for a leader; someone to guide the way, to allow? team members the time to fulfil their potential. to recommend the strategy to follow... All horse herds have a leader, buts it not usually the flashy stallion making all the noise (although he is looking out for predators, competition etc)? - it'll be the dominant mare, who's leading the herd to the next pasture!
Good point. There is certainly a dance to leading and following and we're called to do both. You make an excellent point of the word association being tired to a negative position. Language is so important.? This points reminds me of Derek Sivers 3 minute TED talk How to Start A Movement. It's all about the first follower. https://www.ted.com/talks/derek_sivers_how_to_start_a_movement?language=en
Great post.! Anyway the perception of people? of? being a follower is different from each other. And then, our motivation to follow someone? or people is mostly subjective.
Business Consultant, Life Coach, Trainer, Mentor at Level Up Business Consulting
6 年You must know how to follow before you can lead.