We live in the world of dominant gorillas! - Google has a 90% share in global search (outside China) - Amazon has a 50% share of the entire retail spend in the US (and similar dominance in many other markets) - Netflix dominates the streaming (and increasingly, media) space - Facebook is the only social media platform in town (they own WhatsApp and Instagram too) - Microsoft (Windows) has 80% market share in desktop OS space - Google (Android) has an 85% market share in the mobile OS space - Google and Facebook together dominate the online advertising space with over 55% of the share. It’s increasingly a winner take all market in many sectors - the common thread is that these are either tech sectors or sectors that have been disrupted by tech (e.g. retail). It may not be a good thing but it seems like more sectors are headed this way - Autos?, Hotels?, Taxi?…what else? #facebook #android?#google?#dominant?#techtrends?#trendanalysis?#amazon?#marketshare