The sky is not the limit. You are the limit. #10tips10days #tip #5 Stop making excuses for why you aren’t becoming your greatest self. Shift your #mindset and make your goals DUMB. D - dream driven U - uplifting M - method friendly B - behavior triggered You start with the dream. The how will come later. - Brendon Burchard Link in first comment to learn more. ??Bobby Umar Kira Day Lila Smith Jake Jordan #brendonburchard #motivation #dreams #linkedintips #goalsetting
Smart goals don’t put a man on the moon. #smartgoals
Anything can happen if you dream big enough??
Lové this!
I agree
Mindset matters
AARON B DUKE Jeremy Redman Jennifer A. Garrett, Esq. Freddy Jarjour Azza Carmona, CIH,CSP Azi Khoroushi Robin Doty Leonard Scheiner, MBA Josh Steimle Zaneta Brommer Wishing you all success on whatever dreams you have!!!!
Training / Counselor / Industrial Engineering / Software Developer / Life Planner and General Insurance Proposer
6 年Geoff Koboldt SPN?We have the power to break that sky's limit, yet we limit ourselves of our capabilities. We can not choose our dreams but we can soak ourselves with the problems. Hope we know the benzene ring discovery story. Stick with the dreams for solutions. Regards.