We all have days where we need a 'pick me up', right? I've been having those days more frequently lately and, quite frankly, they suck... I was having all these AMAZING things happen, but kept telling myself I was a LOSER. This daily dose of self-hate was a result of the awful effects of "imposters syndrome" - the idea that I am a phoney and don't deserve my success. Complex stuff that's not easily untangled. Thankfully, after lots of reflection and self care I recently shook that negative norm. These things REALLY helped me... 1. Reading my "happy file" - a folder in my email where I save immensely happy emails - reminding me of all the wonderful people + work I have. 2. Listening to my hype songs - those beats that get my foot tapping have the power to shift your mood. 3. Spending time in nature - it always reminds me of how big + beautiful the world is. 4. Telling friends I'm going through a funk - feeling less alone in the process. 5. Asking for support - hearing the stories of how others got through these experiences was tremendously helpful. Have you ever gone through a negative funk? How did you pull yourself out?
I agree time in nature...grateful journal all terrific. For me what really lifts my spirit and makes me value myself is helping someone else. You know what you are good at..share it. Not up for that.. . take a dog for a walk. I borrow my friends hound puppy and he so loves the attention. I am instantly lifted.
The best things I find work are a bit of quiet time like meditation. Other good things I find are listening to my favourite 10 or 20 songs or watching some good comedy. Laughter is the best medicine.
Gratitude Journaling can be helpful (each day write three things for which you are grateful) but I am tweaking this concept to start Strength Journaling so I can remind myself of my accomplishments.
The best way I find is exactly what you are doing here. Post a detailed account on what is happening or bothering you. Then our amazing LinkedIn community does the rest, the positive input and sterling advice that is dispensed will pull you out of any negativity. Enhance your life again by up to 12%. You just need to plant that seed and watch the optimism grow, and never look back.
I ask myself, what advice would I give a friend going through the same thing? The things we say to ourselves ... we’d never say to a friend or another person.
I hung out with MaryBeth Hyland
Aw I love this post! Thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing. Will be looking forward to seeing what everyone's feedback is.
Love love love the happy folder. I also save emails that remind me of all the happy wins big and small. Very motivating reminders!
Be Intentional
6 年Plus dancing to the hype music can uplift one to higher spirits and positive energy.