"How do you create content on scale?"? I geek'd out w. Mike Pritchett, CEO of Shootsta, to learn more about his thoughts on creating content. What Mike calls "Hygiene", I actually call "everyday" or "digestable" content.? Watch the 2:40min video to learn the 4 tips on creating content everyday Have any questions? Shoot in the comment below Follow and Subscribe to The String Channel for more advice on content marketing and tech #stringstory? #stringvideo #linkedinvideo For more video geek'out with founders and CEOs Check out #stringvideo
"One video - one message" - love it!
I liked watching the walk down the street as you spoke. Great tips. Don't overthink it and one message. I'm enjoying watching your story unfold here on LinkedIn.
Your kit upgrades shows String Nguyen ! Having the ability to shoot smooth content even being well composed one take on the street, do you have dsc-w 310 Steadicam and a Sony or just IPhone? Also you know your secret is to be so relaxed yourself and this makes the person you interview very relaxed and that makes the watching pubic relaxed and listen.
Great video and message
Wow String Nguyen you’ve upped the video game a notch or 2 here - fantastic video! This is definitely your channel. One take, one message, one video - got it. Am on to Shootsta too
Hey String Nguyen - great video as always and agree Shootsta is a great way for clients to produce hygiene content on a regular basis. Of all the cloud services available they offer the best benefits and overall process to their clients for this service - they have made the process pretty easy which is essential - and furthermore they have made the process fast... Its essential for more brands to start viewing video as a tool for hygiene content and its great that Shootsta is part of that push.
Hygiene content...needs to be done every day! Do not overthink the content too much! What a great idea String Nguyen & Mike Pritchett..........Yes, practice practice practice. I am loving it!!!! One message per video..........phew.......I hope I have been doing so far (now up to video 19!).
CED , love it
Sophie Jackson check this video out, its really interesting about everyday video content