Check this! Your eyes will thank you: From the minute we wake up, to the minute we sleep, our eyes will have probably consumed anywhere between 8 and 12 hours of screen time aka artificial light. Maybe more, maybe less. Either way, all this artificial light can't be good. Whether it be through our phones when we wake up or before we sleep (and countless times during the day), a tablet, the desktop screens at work (easily 8+ hours), the TV at home or the laptop and #Netflix, chances are our eyes are consuming too much BLUE light. And blue light ISN'T GOOD FOR OUR EYES. Why? Simple explanation: There's an inverse relationship between the amount of energy that light rays contain and their respective wavelengths. Blue light has shorter wavelengths and thus contains more energy. More energy means blue light can reach deeper into the eye to potentially damage the retina. Digital devices emit serious amounts of blue light. What to do: Your phone should have a blue light filter. Find it. Turn it on. I set my #Samsung to turn my blue light filter on between 9pm and 7am, so the hours before and after sleep aren't impacted. It doesn't need to be on all day. Find what works for you. Try it. It's there for a reason. Tag someone whose eyes you care about! :)
Thank you very much Afzal!
I just got a pair of glasses tht blocks digital lights!!!
I suggest this: equally effective and a good investment.
Thanks afzal. Eye is only a channel, the potential harm of Prolonged screen work is to brain, neck, heart, liver, neurosis and immune system. the Visual Light Environment is a important factor to digital fatigue. what we need to do is to improve (to provide light combination harmonious to eyes) as Computer Eye Spa does, preventive care during whole period, Not simply to filter or block - which cause color change.
Thanks for the post Afzal - good points on blue light here. If you don't like the orange color the software produces and want to use a blue light filter during the day to remain protected 24/7 try Ocushield LTD. ! Happy to answer any questions.
Campus Personnel Coordinator ( Temporary) at Research Foundation of The City University of New York