Did I Really Lose?
In June 2017, I recall telling my husband that I sensed my exit time on my job at the time was going to be sooner than I planned. I had an exit plan from the job come 2021 and was working towards it but somehow it felt it would be earlier
When I did the SSA HR strategy review with my boss in August 2017 & she told me about the need to cut cost, I wasn’t sure she was trying to hint me but I took the cue to ask for retrenchment
As much as it felt like I asked for it, I somehow felt my role, due to prior massive retrench in the company had been impacted especially because the countries I handled were no longer the business focus
I tell you, it was painful
The 2nd time in my career I felt my ego bruised & a sense of loss even though I had an exit plan
I reflected & took time to pray. That decision to quit is one of my best career decisions till date
I thought I lost my job but what I really lost were:
*Reliance on pay checks
*Fear of the unknown
*Fear of starting a profitable enterprise
*Self doubts
*Fear of being unemployed
*An old mindset not serving my purpose
Today, I walk & work with so much faith in God & in me. I enjoy a sense of gratitude & fulfillment
Friends, don’t work hard at keeping that job. Rather, work hard at becoming & remaining valuable
Business Services Consulting and Coaching, Bookkeeping/Controller & CFO Services, Business Plans
Too many times, we get too comfortable or too lazy and become absentee owners !