I’m not sure if posing this question will err on the side of controversy vs. the intended ‘healthy-debate.’ It’s 2019. Let’s take a leaf out of Musk’s book and take some risks, shall we? Is acquisition on the horizon for TESLA? I know – a shocking query.
There's a fierce competition in rapidly establishing market-share on autonomous driving ( i.e Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen, UBER) That said, buying-capacity isn’t where it needs to be to meet Tesla’s current market cap; well above the $50B range.
There’s only ONE opponent that could possibly fit-the-bill for this: Apple. At a current market cap of $700B, this isn’t a far-fetched hypothetical to consider.
Like Apple, Tesla boasts a FANTASTICALLY loyal customer, and brand-following. Have you ever met a Tesla owner who didn’t immediately advocate to-the-heavens on the joys of their Model Y? Also, there’s still a novelty and consistency to their cult-like following, and brand-evangelism. A detail perhaps not as 'present' in Apple’s customer profile in recent years.
Back to the race...
The question is: Does an approx. 12% of Apple’s current market-cap constitute acquisition? If that were to happen, we ALL know who would be the unopposed leader in this space.