Many people follow passion around hoping something will stick but this article really nails it in that passion isn't just about being happy or finding enjoyment. You really need to care, seek out and understand your values and create an impact for yourself and/or others.
The strongest and most important part of this article is the waxing and waning of your passion. I have been running since 2009. I have days, weeks, and months when I just want to give up. As I read this article, I thought about how I tap into the values that running evokes for me. I realize when I'm struggling I take my foot off the gas pedal and try something new or spend some time evaluating what I want to get from running or even what's next race wise.
The idea of better understanding the seeking and finding passion for oneself and what we choose to do in the peaks and valleys feels sort of epic to me. Passion connected to caring makes more sense in this context and I can better understand why I have been able to fall in love with running over and over again for the better part of a decade.
"...focusing on what you love associates passion with what you enjoy and what makes you happy, whereas focusing on what you care about aligns passion with your values and the impact you want to have."
Many people think passion is fixed — that you either have passion for something or you don't. But that's a misconception.
Experienced Technology Professional with experience in QA, Development and Marketing.
It's interesting to me Christina S.?that you discuss running but it looks like that is not your paying job (and I don't mean that as a negative)- I say that as my passion is trail and mountain running/race directing but it has been jobs that I have enjoyed where I can make enough money that allow me on the side to pursue my passions around mountain running.? One of the things that I think has become a problem today is people have been sold the concept that their job must be their primary passion.? I have always believed a good job can give you the financial freedom to pursue your passions on the side.? Hopefully your job is fulfilling (mine is) but I don't want to claim my entire passion is doing software quality assurance - but I do enjoy it and it allows me to pursue my less profitable actual passions.