The world is changing rapidly driven by developments in communication and information technology which created efficient markets & tight quoted prices in financial products as equity, ETF`s, FX, derivatives, futures with less margin left to make which resulted in lower P&L.
After the crisis there was a short uptick in volumes and after that volumes continue to shrink with a shift in interest into long term stance vs short gambling attitude where consumers nowadays invest more in equity, bond, mm funds-trackers. We all knew that this would cause a shift into a different job which needed different skills.
So old fashioned trading is hard now and other participants like market makers and HF traders came in the lead with computerized digital trading based on algorithms in high volumes to earn from tiny margins which is effective for today, but can be different tomorrow
Making a shift in jobs and do something totally different out of your daily comfort zone is refreshing and makes you happy with your new found self. Although this is a life and ongoing journey.
Good luck and take care , but what ever happens there is always light at the end as long as you believe in yourself and open to adopt changes where you can transform yourself for the future