Consumer spending data from Merrill Lynch shows that #millennials are spending more than their older peers at restaurants. “All four demographic groups spend about the same amount of their spending basket on food,” analysts at the bank said in a note out Wednesday. “But Millennials concentrate more of their spending at restaurants while the other three cohorts spend more at grocery stores.” The data, collected over the 12 months ending in June, also shows that millennials are spending more of their income on electronics/hobbies/clothing stores than older generations.
This week for #makeovermonday I decided to go all #infographic and included some history for each generation type using key facts, moments, words and a timeline, to go alongside donut charts and waffle charts. Feel free to check out my viz below. Inspired by Generation Type Infographics.
Viz link:
Eva Murray, Andy Kriebel
#tableau, #tableaupublic, #datavisualization, #datanalytics, #dataandanalytics, #generationx, #babyboomers, #consumers
Advancing humanity ? creating a sustainable future.
Great article, humorous theme.? Older business execs are complaining that Millennials don't buy their products?? Well, to run a business you have to be flexible, adaptive, and give the customer what they want.? Our preferences are different than our parents, just as their preferences were different from theirs.? Keep evolving or fall behind.? Maybe they need some business coaching?