Ideal goals have some wiggle room
We are more likely to push through ambitious challenges when we build in some room for slip-ups along the way, according to research from UCLA and Wharton. Allowing some room for minor setbacks helps alleviate the pressure to perform perfectly. Study participants who were given “emergency reserves” of second chances as they pursued their goals were more likely to press on and achieve their goals than those who didn’t have such wiggle room at all or those who set their aspirations too low.
Solving Problems
Absolutely agree with this, if we are too rigid in our goals and allow for no failure often times that stress will actually cause failure. While being tough on yourself is important to hit goals (too relaxed means no results) too strict also cripples results. Think about if you wanted to leave a job and start a business. If you had no savings and lots of bills you wouldn't do it and you wouldn't achieve that goal, but if you had savings and knew you could fail you would be much more willing to take the plunge and take a chance on your idea and your dream.??