On average, maternity leave in OECD countries lasts 18 weeks. Only one developed country — the United States — offers zero paid maternity leave. One in four US mothers return to work 10 days after giving birth. https://insder.co/2GjK8Bw
When Google increased paid maternity leave from 12 to 18 weeks, the rate at which new mothers quit dropped by half.
When Google increased paid maternity leave, the rate at which new mothers quit dropped 50%
Recruiters: If a woman has a gap in her resume due to raising a child or maternity leave, it does not mean she forgot how to work or lost any of her skills. If anything, I believe she will be even more determined, because now she has more mouths to feed. Don’t overlook those resumes. Pick up the phone and have a conversation - I promise you will find some major winners. Let’s change that together. #ThoughtForADay