I have to listen to the earnings call for AMZN. I would like to hear their spin. Down almost 8% with lower guidance for the 4th qtr. I'm wondering if Long term investors are just taking profits since it was a down quarter with lowered guidance. I'm guessing if you stuck by them over the years where they made no money and now it is making money investors/Wall Street may believe it's probably not a bad idea for long term investors to sell now as pretty much everything is overvalued. Plus, it could also be speculators who do that weird kind of speculation where they buy going into earnings and this time they lost almost 8%.
Wall Street is an odd place. AMZN makes no money or loses money for years and investors/Wall St love them, but when they start to make money as they try to build their infrastructure out on multiple projects and have an earning miss with lowered guidance everyone freaks out. Make no money= strong, growing stock price. When AMZN starts to make money but building out other aspects of the business and miss= Everyone sells immediately if not sooner.
We will see how committed investors are to AMZN tomorrow as they are heading into the holiday season. However, I still want to hear their reasoning for this last quarter on the CC. #earnings #AMZN #Amazon
President - Breckenridge Landscape
Very surprising that Amazons profits slipped that much. While I understand the cost of a shipping infrastructure build out, you have to wonder if this is going to sink profits for several years as the company keeps moving that direction. Is 1 day shipping that important to consumers? When I purchase items on Amazon, I look for the best product and compare pricing. I’ll wait a few days for something that I really want.