FAA skipped Boeing safety check: WSJ
Federal aviation officials failed to perform a safety check on Boeing software implicated in two deadly crashes, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing anonymous officials. An internal probe of the Federal Aviation Administration shows that the lapse occurred because the plane-maker "didn't flag the automated stall-prevention feature as a system whose malfunction or failure could cause a catastrophic event,” according to the Journal. FAA officials are set to to testify in Congress Wednesday about the 737 MAX jet, which was grounded after the crashes that killed a total of 346 people.
- Boeing resisted pressure by American Airlines pilots to take emergency steps following the first crash, The New York Times reported, citing a recording of the Nov. 27 meeting.
Solutions Consultant. The whiteboard that you can talk to. Tech geek at heart.
And the blame game begins. This amounts to "We didn't look into it because they didn't say we should." It's not Boeing's job to advise what safety systems need to be examined/tested. Their job is to build a safe aircraft. (they failed IMO.) It is the aviation authorities around the world to test said aircraft and systems to ensure the manufacturers built a safe aircraft. PERIOD.? The FAA is just as culpable as Boeing as far as I'm concerned.