What a three weeks it has been. I finished my last week of college classes by getting published in The Atlantic?(a piece that I reported on a knee scooter with a broken foot in South Korea), and this weekend I graduated from the school of my dreams with an Outstanding Print and Digital Scholar award for achieving the highest GPA?in my major. An inspirational commencement speech by Oprah Winfrey?on truth, humanity and solving problems was the perfect highlight to end my?time at USC. Next month, I'm looking forward to starting my career with an internship at the Washington, D.C. Bureau of?The Dallas Morning News. News is a tough business these days, but I'm excited to give it a shot. As Oprah said: "And when the time comes to bet on yourself, I hope you double down. Bet on yourself."
“Your life journey is about learning to become more of who you are and fulfilling the highest, truest expression of yourself as a human being. That's why you're here. You will do that through your work and your art, your relationships and your love." Oprah
Oprah Just Gave New Grads 1 Piece of Remarkably Insightful Advice for Career Success