Your right, the issue goes beyond just aggregators, everyone needs to work better together - landlords, aggregators & businesses. Each tenant is working with there landlord on waiving months of rent or finding an alternative solution. Aggregators and restaurants can co-exist. Restaurants like working with them - they are not angry. There is value for both. There definitely needs to be a balance. Their partners have been asking to work with them to find a solution but they ignored their partners. It's a problem and disappointing.
Nicolas Budzynski the Careem announcement was exciting until I looked further into this. Their comms team need to be very clear in the message. Merchants are still confused - they don't know if the new commission is now (a) 10% a flat reduction or if the math is 15% off 25% = (b) 21.25%.
(a) In the case of 25% - 15% = 10% commission on a AED100 meal CareemNOW would receive AED10
(b) In the case of 15% of 25% = 21.25% on a AED100 meal CareemNOW would take AED 21.25
If (a) is the answer then this is a BIG move and all merchants will be the first to champion this. If it is (b), I am being sincere – it's misleading and this isn't a good news story.