Future Today #034 - Complex Systems, Anti-Gravity, Metaverse
Painting by Jackson Pollock

Future Today #034 - Complex Systems, Anti-Gravity, Metaverse

Welcome to Future Today!?A newsletter for those curious about social innovation, disruptive technologies and futures studies. In it I will share weekly blog articles, interesting links and recommendations for books, movies, series and courses.

?? Climate modellers and theorist of complex systems share physics Nobel. Three researchers, Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi, have won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on describing complex physical systems — including foundational research that created a pioneering mathematical model of Earth’s climate and predicted that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere would raise global temperatures.?

?? Elon Musk’s Big Future. Elon Musk spoke with iconic journalist Kara Swisher at the prestigious Code Conference on September 27 2021 with a wide ranging conversation. In typical style, Musk made a number of predictions about the future.

?? Alibaba joins Tencent in rush to register metaverse trademarks as Big Tech embraces the virtual world. The e-commerce giant is the latest among a host of Chinese tech companies that have shown interest in technologies that enable experiences in the virtual world. Virtual and augmented reality start-ups in China have received major investments in recent weeks.

?? NASA, DARPA, MIT Scientists Met to Discuss “Anti-Gravity” Tech. It's the "Woodstock of gravity-modification research." There have been 22 meetings in the series since then, according to The Debrief‘s reporting, with scientists discussing topics ranging from Non-Newtonian Em Propulsion to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) sightings.

?? Looking for a job? Tips for your resume to win over the hiring AI (ES) As companies rely more on artificial intelligence to take on parts of the hiring process, candidates need to hone their resumes and skills for what the algorithms are looking for. Short sentences and boring formats will help you ace the tests.

?? Dialogues on the Future (ES) Dialogues on the Future is an initiative of the Government of Spain, the European Commission, the European Parliament and 70 other public institutions (city councils, foundations, regional governments and universities) that aims to contribute to this prospective view, promoting plural and informed conversations on the opportunities and challenges that Spain and the EU will face in the post-covid world.

?? Solutions to loneliness in the metaverse (ES) I am lonely. And like me, people of all ages around the world have looked to the palm of our hands for a solution to alleviate our mental health problems. I have navigated the metaverse, that new hybrid territory where humans merge into virtual spaces powered by artificial intelligences that learn with machine learning.?

?? An Explanation and Expansion of Jordan Peterson’s Thought and its Implications for our Future(s). Jordan Peterson’s thought has profound implications for the way we envision, evaluate, and move into the future(s) ahead of us. Yet, Peterson’s extensive work has little explicit connections with the discipline that formally investigates the future(s), i. e., futures (studies) and foresight, despite the fact that many of the topics Peterson is concerned with are also topics of interest for those who study the futures.?

?? Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report is the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations.

???? Baby Poop Is Loaded With Microplastics. And now, microplastics are coming out of babies. In a pilot study published today, scientists describe sifting through infants’ dirty diapers and finding an average of 36,000 nanograms of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) per gram of feces, 10 times the amount they found in adult feces.?

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