B.C. to consider gas price relief
British Columbia Premier John Horgan said he will consider “some relief” for those who can’t afford record high gas prices, which reached almost $1.64 a litre in metro Vancouver yesterday. Horgan said he couldn’t explain a 12 cent a litre increase, and suggested the industry invest more in refineries and the federal government invest more in supply. Analysts say the price hike was caused by several factors: B.C.’s increased carbon tax, a shortage of gas across B.C. and northwestern United States caused by two refineries in Washington state running at reduced rates, and the Trans Mountain pipeline’s incapacity to meet domestic needs.
Canada with abundant natural resources (oil, gas, hydro, land, water, forests/lumber, minerals, pristine environment, smart and hard working people ....) and small population should be able to provide much better services to all Canadians and could be a role model for North America. Over past 30 years, I notice quality of life in Canada has not been as better as it should have been with oil (a major export from Canada along, other exports such as natural gas, hydro electricity, lumber,....). But still ok. Many analysts in US have hoped for EVs and clean fuels, clean energy and ?clean technologies to be more competitive if only gasoline price is $4 per gallon. many European countries provide tuition free education and free public transportation as well as health care. ?Will be interesting and worth looking at Canada more closely where all the revenue from natural resources is going. ?