Part of me thinks this is a good idea, if you're travelling for business and you need to get some shut eye, or work done before you land, you need the minimum of distractions.
The other part of me (the Dad part) thinks it is entirely unfair. Whilst we take flying for granted, in small children the changes in pressure and a sense of the unknown can be very alarming for children, even physically uncomfortable.
I recall flying with my two to Sydney 4 years ago, my kids were 5 and 2, and they were angels. Incredibly well behaved, but on the long Dubai to Sydney leg, towards the end they were getting restless and needed to move about the cabin - on the A-380, this wasn't an issue. Even still, there was still one broadsheet reading elderly gentleman who felt the need to sigh and tut every time my children walked by.
Perhaps we forget we were kids once ourselves. Children are curious, inquisitive and full of energy. On a long flight and an enclosed space, it's inevitable that they'll get restless - ask any parent who has ever asked their child to "sit still, and be quiet for 5 minutes..."
Thoughts? Would you actively select a seat, away from children if you could?
#fcbt #flightcentre #Emirates #kidsonaplane #flyingwithkids