We’re focused on getting you the support you need and keeping you safe. That’s why we’ve been working with the provinces and territories, and that’s why we’re investing more than $19 billion through our Safe Restart Agreement. Here’s what this investment will do:
It will help increase testing and contact tracing. It will protect your loved ones who are most vulnerable. And it will support the capacity of our health care systems, and the procurement of personal protective equipment, so you can stay safe as we restart our economy.
It will make sure your community - and all communities who have been at the forefront of this pandemic - can keep running and help our economy come back strong. And it will help them deliver the services that you rely on, like public transit.
It will give you ten days of paid sick leave if you don’t already have access to that, so you can stay home if you contract the virus. And it will help make sure there are child care spaces available for your kids, so they have a safe place to go when you head back to work.
For more on the work we’re doing with the provinces and territories to support you and keep you safe, click here: https://bit.ly/3h6vMav