The Power of Redlines: How Smarter Redlining Can Improve Your Contract Nego
活动举办者 CounselLink CLM
2022 年 8 月 10 日 – 2022 年 8 月 10 日线上活动
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This is Part II of Nada's presentation in May. In this presentation, in-house lawyer and contracts expert, Nada Alnajafi, will show you how smarter contract redlining practices can:
? Improve your negotiation power and speed up contract closing times;
? Help you manage internal negotiations and build alignment with internal business clients; and
? Solve some common issues within the redlining process.
There will be a longer Q&A session to address questions from Part I and II.
*For more information on this topic, check out Nada's new book on Amazon today called Contract Redlining Etiquette!